I just read an article in today’s paper that included way too much information. It was describing a family who is in the turkey business. I found the article offensive even though the actions described do take place in slaughterhouses. It just seemed out of place the day before Thanksgiving to have that staring you in the face in the morning paper. It began by saying everyone in the family takes part in the slaughtering. The father shoves his hand inside the turkey and pulls out its guts, his wife cleans up the bird and a daughter throws bloodstained carcasses into the scalder. While this is going on, the 8-year-old son brings in a live turkey and the 15-year-old son cuts its jugular. A 6-year-old daughter helps by picking up freshly cut-off turkey feet and sticking them in cold water for safekeeping before disposal. This all begins early in the morning with the whole family in attendance.
This sounds like a very strange life to me. The father set out years ago to find a career in agriculture and a woman who loved Jesus and kids. He found both. The kids are home-schooled by the mother in reading, writing and the Bible which takes place in the afternoon after the morning slaughtering. This is the only life they have ever known, and apparently it seems normal to them. The 6-year-old girl likes to rip the nails off dead birds and put them on her fingers, waving them around like a trophy wife after a manicure. What does a little girl know about trophy wives? I lived on a farm, and we raised chickens. We killed them, and I watched as that was what farm life was. But I never ripped off their nails and wore them, pretending to be a trophy wife. I didn’t even know what a trophy wife was then! I’m sure trophy wives don’t have nails that look like a turkey’s.
The entire article and accompanying pictures seemed macabre to me. Or maybe I’ve had it with turkey slaughtering. I’m sure we’ve all had our fill of Sarah Palin chattering happily and endlessly while a guy behind her is busy cutting the heads off turkeys. One statement in the article gave me a very strange feeling . . . sort of scary. The article states the family has built its life around one unique principle which is:
“The family that slays together stays together.”