Cindy’s going to court!
Cindy and her dog, Charley, pictured above a few years ago, had a very bad experience recently. She was picking up Charley from where he’d been staying while she was out of town for work. He’d been with her ex-husband, Mick, and Mick was taking Charley, on a leash, out to go poop before Cindy took him home. As Mick and Charley stepped out into the hall, Mick heard the elevator stop at that floor. He thought it might be the woman next door who had a nasty pit bull, so he stepped back and out of the way. Well, the pit bull, who was OFF LEASH, came roaring out of the elevator and grabbed Charley’s face. A horrible struggle ensued as the pit bull wouldn’t let go. They finally dragged it off Charley, but it took some of Charley’s tongue and an ear off. The police came and gave the pit bull owner some sort of ticket, and Animal Control got into it also. The woman with the pit bull said Charley shouldn’t have been there. But there was no reason why he shouldn’t be there on a leash which he was. Hers was not. And to make matters worse, as Mick was trying to lift Charley into his truck to go to the vet, Charley was hurt and bit Mick on the face requiring stitches above his eye and on his scalp. So both of them had to go to the vet for stitches, although I think Mick might have gone to a regular people hospital. The entire situation was like something out of a bad dream.
The thought was that the woman with the nasty dog was going to pay for the veterinarian bills, but that sort of fell by the wayside. Charley had to have several operations, and without Medicare or Medicaid, Charley was stuck with the bills – actually, Cindy was stuck with the bills. So the only option left was going to court. She is now waiting for the record/report regarding her case with the woman and the pit bull. Cindy has watched Judge Judy, Judge Joe, Judge Alex, Judge Young, etc. etc. She knows what goes on and what to expect in Small Claims Court. But being her mother, I wanted to help in some way and thought I could recommend some good attorneys. I thought of two right off the bat. The first one was Eli Stone who is a very kind and spiritual man who defends people who are always in the right and really need help. The other attorney was Patty Hewes, the nation’s most revered and reviled high stakes litigator. You could depend on her either winning the case or killing the opponent. Either one of those two would be good for Cindy. And then it hit me . . . . . I was in my imaginary world of television. Eli Stone is in a television show titled “Eli Stone” and he is played by Johnny Lee Miller. Patty Hewes is actually Glenn Close who stars in the Fox show “Damages.” I’m wondering if I’m getting to the point where I can’t differentiate between what’s television and what’s real. But I’m happy so that’s all that matters to me.
I hope Cindy does well in court. The woman with the pit bull has been a real bitch, so I hope the judge lets her have it and makes her pay . . . and pay . . . and pay.
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