I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy Days Are Here!!!

Last night was a night that will go down in history like no other. It’s the first time a black man has been elected president. Who would have thought that would happen in our lifetime. It’s hard to grasp the enormity of what’s going on – I just know I cried through most of Obama’s speech last night as it was so stirring and inspiring. The cameras showed the faces of the onlookers, and they had tears on their faces and looked like they were filled with joy. By the end of his speech, Obama looked very solemn and I was waiting for his smile which did come – he has such a great smile. I’m sure he’s tired now after what he’s been through the past couple of years. Maybe he’ll go out today and buy that puppy for the girls and then go home and take a nap with it.

I couldn’t watch the full 8 or 10 hours of campaign news yesterday. I can’t watch something when I want someone to win so badly – it’s too nerve-wracking. So I watched parts of the coverage, interspersed with “Law&Order” which is on constantly. I watched McCain’s speech with his unruly crowd in attendance. He did pretty well. And the finale was Obama’s speech which was perfect. It left me in tears. I had noticed an interesting sounding documentary playing on Public Broadcasting at 9pm which was the time for Obama’s speech. I recorded it and thought it would be something light-hearted after the long night of the campaign ending. It was entitled “The Natural History of the Chicken.” For the most part, it was delightful. It was narrated by a pastor who raised chickens and was about one special chicken and her problems. It was a very sweet story. However, the program started with a chicken without a head, and how one farmer killed his chickens before they were put on the table for supper with his family. The way he did it was slightly disturbing as it’s not how my dad did it with our chickens.

After a long day and night of election wind-up and the chickens, I finally went to sleep. I wonder if Obama will ever have a peaceful night now that he’s the president. I hope so as he’s a good one.


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