Can you hear me now?
I called Cindy this morning and caught her as she was packing up her old Brownie Morrison store next to the fat lady store - Weight Watchers. Cindy is moving back to her first neighborhood to what sounds like an ideal location. So Brownie will live again! She had some time so we got to talking about what she'd been watching on TV. She has it going all the time in the store and watches all the judge shows or else she puts in her copy of the Betty Broderick story. Her customers watch right along with her as Betty murders her ex-husband and his new wife. She said the other night she saw an ad for a 6-pack of mini catheters! She said they should have gone on to say on the ad: Do I have to go, did I just go, or am I going? She didn't order any.
But she did order one time some foundation make-up by Rachel Hunter on QVC. She didn't like it as I guess it was too heavy as she said it would sink you to the bottom of a swimming pool. But she kept forgetting to cancel the order so the stuff kept arriving. One day her handy man came to her door and asked if he could borrow some make-up to put on a rash on his chest! She didn't like the idea of borrowing as she certainly wouldn't want it back, so she gave him some. A few days later he came to her door, this time in full make-up! She didn't recognize him at first. Turns out he was a cross-dresser so she gave him an evening gown! He loved it but said his tailor would have to take it in in the chest area as he wasn't as busty as Cindy. So that was it for my Cindy call.
After the phone call, I went over to the building where I have physical therapy occasionally. The person there took my paper work and then called the person who would be making my appointments. She handed her cell to me and the girl said she would give me a date for my evaluation. She asked if I had a pen and I didn't, but said I'd look for one. There wasn't one on the desk, so I opened the drawer. The woman who had given me the phone was in another room with a patient. So I was in the drawer and found a box of pens. I tried one and it had no ink, so I tried another one and still no ink. I finally got my purse and found one of my own. I came back to the phone, and picked it up and said, "Can you hear me now?" No one answered, and I then realized I had picked up the computer mouse and was speaking into it! So I grabbed the cell which I found at the edge of the desk and repeated what I had said. This time she heard me. Maybe physical therapy isn't what I need!
When I returned home, I thought about calling Teri but I knew she wouldn't be watching Betty Broderick as Teri works really hard and doesn't have the time. Even though she's the godfather of our Betty sorority, she does have her priorities. So I didn't bother her at work doing whatever it is she does.
The above picture is a partial group of Teri's attendants for her wedding. From left to right are Jonelle, Teri, Peggy and Cindy. I love this picture as Teri and Cindy look so happy. Maybe it was because their cells were turned off and they wouldn't have to answer any calls . . . or maybe it was because it was Teri's wedding day. Whatever the reason, they wouldn't have to listen to anyone saying, "Can you hear me now?"