I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"New Girl" - tonight at 9PM on Fox

I just watched the second episode, "Kryptonite," of the new show "New Girl." It was even funnier than the one last week! Jess is now living with three roommates - guys she met on the internet. A new one comes back - he's been playing basketball in Latvia - and wants his old room back. They fight over that and Jess throws a basketball, accidentally, into the TV and breaks it when she is showing off her basketball skills of which she has none! They decide to go back to her old place where her skuzball boyfriend is living with his ho girlfriend and retrieve her TV and other things she left when she moved out. They eventually get all of her stuff back but the whole thing is hysterical! I love this show and Zooey Deschanel. She is a fresh young woman who doesn't fit the model that seems cloned for so many shows. She is crazy, dorky and adorable. And she sings a lot.

I hope you all watch it tonight - it's a good one!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Glee" - preview of second new show airing Tuesday, 9/27, 8 PM - 9 PM

I just previewed this episode entitled "I Am Unicorn" and it was very good and so funny at the beginning. Kurt is running for president. I assume it has something to do with the high school. Brittany wants to be his campaign manager. Brittany is not the brightest person around. You could say she's stupid, but I think simple is a better word for her. Brittany says Kurt is a Unicorn. Kurt doesn't know what she means, so she tells him a Unicorn is a pony that does a good deed and then poops out cotton candy, thus making him a Unicorn. Kurt tells her she should run for president, but she says she's not smart. It then shows her in a class with the teacher asking her what the capitol of Ohio is and she answers, "O." Then teacher asks her who the president of the country is and she answers, "Will I am." She says she's slept with a lot of guys and could get votes for Kurt. Not a good idea!

This episode has good music as usual and lots going on. You should watch it and get caught up on everything going on at New Directions. You'll like it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

GLEE returns for season three premiere episode Tuesday, 9/20 at 8 PM - 9 PM

The New Directions group had a very bad loss at Nationals, but Mr. Schuester works out a project to get them back on track. Blaine has a hard time deciding whether or not to stay with the Warblers or make the jump to McKinley High School. This episode is called "The Purple Piano Project."

During all this, Sue Sylvester has decided she belongs in Washington - not the state - and starts her congressional campaign with an anti-arts platform. What other platform would she ever consider?

This should be a very interesting show, and as long as there is singing in it, it will be great.

Also, "New Girl" premieres right after Glee, and I think it will be a hit also.

So watch these shows tomorrow night and you will be pleased and happy!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Can you hear me now?

I called Cindy this morning and caught her as she was packing up her old Brownie Morrison store next to the fat lady store - Weight Watchers. Cindy is moving back to her first neighborhood to what sounds like an ideal location. So Brownie will live again! She had some time so we got to talking about what she'd been watching on TV. She has it going all the time in the store and watches all the judge shows or else she puts in her copy of the Betty Broderick story. Her customers watch right along with her as Betty murders her ex-husband and his new wife. She said the other night she saw an ad for a 6-pack of mini catheters! She said they should have gone on to say on the ad: Do I have to go, did I just go, or am I going? She didn't order any.

But she did order one time some foundation make-up by Rachel Hunter on QVC. She didn't like it as I guess it was too heavy as she said it would sink you to the bottom of a swimming pool. But she kept forgetting to cancel the order so the stuff kept arriving. One day her handy man came to her door and asked if he could borrow some make-up to put on a rash on his chest! She didn't like the idea of borrowing as she certainly wouldn't want it back, so she gave him some. A few days later he came to her door, this time in full make-up! She didn't recognize him at first. Turns out he was a cross-dresser so she gave him an evening gown! He loved it but said his tailor would have to take it in in the chest area as he wasn't as busty as Cindy. So that was it for my Cindy call.

After the phone call, I went over to the building where I have physical therapy occasionally. The person there took my paper work and then called the person who would be making my appointments. She handed her cell to me and the girl said she would give me a date for my evaluation. She asked if I had a pen and I didn't, but said I'd look for one. There wasn't one on the desk, so I opened the drawer. The woman who had given me the phone was in another room with a patient. So I was in the drawer and found a box of pens. I tried one and it had no ink, so I tried another one and still no ink. I finally got my purse and found one of my own. I came back to the phone, and picked it up and said, "Can you hear me now?" No one answered, and I then realized I had picked up the computer mouse and was speaking into it! So I grabbed the cell which I found at the edge of the desk and repeated what I had said. This time she heard me. Maybe physical therapy isn't what I need!

When I returned home, I thought about calling Teri but I knew she wouldn't be watching Betty Broderick as Teri works really hard and doesn't have the time. Even though she's the godfather of our Betty sorority, she does have her priorities. So I didn't bother her at work doing whatever it is she does.

The above picture is a partial group of Teri's attendants for her wedding. From left to right are Jonelle, Teri, Peggy and Cindy. I love this picture as Teri and Cindy look so happy. Maybe it was because their cells were turned off and they wouldn't have to answer any calls . . . or maybe it was because it was Teri's wedding day. Whatever the reason, they wouldn't have to listen to anyone saying, "Can you hear me now?"

Friday, September 16, 2011

When we were young . . .

Remember when we were kids without a care in the world? All we had to worry about was what game we'd play next, could we make it into the house before we peed our pants or worse, whether or not to play kick the can or hide and seek and other inconsequential things. But now that I'm all grown up, it's just not the same. I don't think anyone here wants to play kick the can anymore unless they kick it to the recycling bin.

Now I don't even have to leave the house before I'm all embroiled in problems that need taking care of by phone or computer. When you try to get something done by phone, you have to go through many automated people who can't talk to you. Their tin-can voices tell you to punch 1. if you want this 2. if you want that 3. if you want to set yourself on fire 4. if you want them to set themselves on fire. Finally, they give up on you and say to wait for someone who will speak to you. This was

Social Security to whom I was speaking, and you know I didn't have one chance in hell to ever make contact with a live person. But I had the newspaper in front of me so decided to just wait it out and see if anyone ever came on. I could see their office, full of little mannequins seated at desks where the little automated voices originated. As I was picturing what all the mannequins looked like and how they were dressed or possibly naked, a voice came through the phone and I nearly fell off my chair! I told her how excited I was to talk to someone alive, but she wasn't interested as I imagine she had many others waiting for her. So she ripped right through the questions about my mother's maiden name, where I was born, etc. I guess I passed because she said it was now all taken care of!

Next on my agenda was meeting the bug man who was coming to put out a trap that would catch and kill the rat that had been practically living on my deck and eating the birdseed that dropped from the bird feeder. When he arrived, he showed me the trap and I could see that it would kill the rat big time! I told him I hadn't seen the rat since I took down the feeder, and he said maybe he ate the food under my deck he had put out that was poison and it appeared to be all gone. I told him my birds were going apeshit over not having food and were flying at my windows and giving me the evil eye. I decided I didn't want the awful trap and would put the feeder up after a while and see what happened.

So that was my exciting morning. Not as much fun as when I was a little kid. The above picture shows left to right a neighbor girl, Teri and Cindy having fun playing dress-up when they were young. Do kids still do that anymore or do they all have games they play on TV with their iPhones?

Monday, September 12, 2011

RAISING HOPE - Fox series starts on Tuesday, 9/20, at 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM

I was so happy to see this show on again. It's a crazy little show with crazy people in it. The opening episode is "Prodigy" because Jimmy has found old home movies of him playing piano and singing which were very good. He didn't know about the movies and that he had all that talent. His family had never told him for a very good reason. The cast members are Lucas Neff (Jimmy), Martha Plimpton (mom), Garret Dillahunt (dad) Shannon Woodward (Jimmy's girlfriend) and Cloris Leachman (grandma Maw Maw). There's also the baby Hope, but I don't know who she is - probably more than one. Maw Maw decides to teach Jimmy how to play the piano again and thinks she can stay lucid for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She says it's his only chance of getting out of their hell hole! A young actor, Greyson Chance, plays Jimmy at the piano and singing in the old movies and is great. He's been on "Ellen" and has many hits on UTube.

But Maw Maw can't help, so they take Jimmy to a doctor who says "When I saw you come in, I thought you were looking for oxycontin." Their time spent with the doctor was hilarious and I was laughing out loud! Of course he didn't help so they went home and drank some beer which did help. Then mom said Jimmy had ambrosia or anemia or something like that. They finally told Jimmy how he became talentless which was another funny scene. The entire show made me laugh which is a sign for me that I'll be watching as I did last year. I hope you all watch this as its very funny!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FOX - new show "New Girl" premiering 9/20 at 9:00-9:30 PM Tuesday

I've been reviewing Fox shows for several years, and I realize I'm not in the ideal demographic for doing this. But I really don't care as I just review the shows I like and don't say nasty things about the ones I don't. The people who make

the series I write about probably don't give a shit what I write as I'm over 40 and don't matter anyway. But I don't give a shit either, so here goes. I will say I don't like reality shows of any kind, especially Housewives from Hell or wherever or shows with little tiny girls being egged on by their crackpot mothers to dance and wiggle their way to victory. So . . .

I wrote about "Terra Nova" the other day and think it will be a big hit. I also liked it! Yesterday I watched the pilot episode of "New Girl" and also liked it.This is a half-hour show with a lot packed into the pilot episode. It stars Zooey Deschanel as Jess who is a young woman who just got dumped and finds three new roommates from an advertisement. They are three guys - one a sarcastic bartender, a jock with an anger management problem and a real "douchebag!" They sound crazy and are in some ways, but they take care of Jess and become a sort of family without sleeping together - sort of like most families. Jess is a sweet, cute, naive, awkward, funny and adorable girl. She sings all the time and needs lot of advice on meeting new men. Her roommates help her along and things get hilarious at times. Zooey wrote and performed the theme song. I think Zooey is great and from what I saw, this should be set for a good run. I hope you watch it - you may just fall in love with Zooey as Jess, thus making "New Girl" a big hit.

Friday, September 09, 2011

TERRA NOVA - new Fox series beginning Monday, 9/26 at 8 - 10PM

I saw this show yesterday, and, much to my surprise, I liked it! This is a story about a family that escapes from the dying world of 2149 and travels back in time 85 million years to help start a new colony of 1,000 people in Terra Nova. Wow! The family consists of the dad, an ex cop (Jason O'Mara), his wife, a doctor ( Shelley Conn) with a little girl and two teen-age kids. The show is shot in the hinterlands of Australia because of the distance away from cities and the gorgeous scenery there. I, too, lived in the hinterlands during my youth, but not in Australia. There are beautiful exotic plants, water falls and dinosaurs that were designed by paleontologist Jack Horner who fashioned them to look like what those creatures actually looked like.

Terra Nova is led by Nathaniel Taylor (Stephen Lang) who is struggling with someone who left the tribe and wants to take over. Many events happened in this show, and I think it will hold your interest all the way through. Nathaniel makes Jim a cop and gives him a gun and badge. That made me feel better as I like cops in my shows.

When they left earth, they didn't take a plane or bus obviously - they went through a big blue round opening that just sucked them in! That is the same way they did it in Stargate SG-1 that Harry and I watched when he visited. We watched it over and over again! I'll bet this show will be on his list. Maybe that's the only way to leave earth and go back millions of years in time - nice to know.

I think this show will be a hit. There are so many possible stories to be had with each member of the family, and also the ongoing battle with outside forces trying to get back in. I liked the dinosaurs. I don't usually go for that sort of thing, but I think this show will be very interesting for all ages. I hope you all watch it - you won't be disappointed.