"Glee" - preview of second new show airing Tuesday, 9/27, 8 PM - 9 PM
I just previewed this episode entitled "I Am Unicorn" and it was very good and so funny at the beginning. Kurt is running for president. I assume it has something to do with the high school. Brittany wants to be his campaign manager. Brittany is not the brightest person around. You could say she's stupid, but I think simple is a better word for her. Brittany says Kurt is a Unicorn. Kurt doesn't know what she means, so she tells him a Unicorn is a pony that does a good deed and then poops out cotton candy, thus making him a Unicorn. Kurt tells her she should run for president, but she says she's not smart. It then shows her in a class with the teacher asking her what the capitol of Ohio is and she answers, "O." Then teacher asks her who the president of the country is and she answers, "Will I am." She says she's slept with a lot of guys and could get votes for Kurt. Not a good idea!
This episode has good music as usual and lots going on. You should watch it and get caught up on everything going on at New Directions. You'll like it!
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