Every day there’s more news about Goldman and the SEC, so I thought I’d add to my recent blog about them. It’s now known that Goldman Sachs traded e-mail messages in which they stated they would make serious money when they bet against the housing markets. In 2007 the firm lost money at first but later recovered it and more by making negative bets to profit when housing prices fell. Goldman had denied doing that, but now that these e-mails were released Saturday, they have really been exposed. And it shows how much money they made at the public’s expense. For the first quarter this year, they made about $3.5 billion which was 91% more than last year. They seem to be doing quite well no matter what negative publicity comes their way.
In my last blog I asked what the SEC was doing when all this was happening. Why weren’t they on the ball? Well, now we know. They were downloading porn!! Some spent as many as 8 hours a day on their work computers downloading porn from all over. Is there anyone back there who cares anything about us, the taxpayers, whom they are screwing over every day?
And then I hear that Republican Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a bill into law that would allow police to question people about their immigration status, even asking for identification, if they think someone is in the country illegally. The governor has said she would not allow any racial profiling or discriminatory practices to take place. Let’s see . . . say the police saw a Mexican man in dirty clothes, smoking a cigarette and waiting on a street corner, possibly hoping to be picked up for a job . . . and across the street a well-dressed young man, briefcase in hand waiting for a bus. Which one do you think the police would want to question? Do you think racial profiling would not take place about that time?
To end on a happier note, don’t forget to watch GLEE, Tuesday night at 9pm on Fox. I think it’s the best one this year. Kurt sang a song that brought me to tears and goose bumps at the same time! And Kristen Chenowith,who has a guest appearance, did the same thing when she sang. Each time I see the show I don’t think it can get better, but it does, time after time. So take that Goldman Sachs and the SEC and stick it you know where. Maybe you should try watching GLEE rather than looking for porn. Do you think you could do that?