Wal Mart Girl
The other weekend I was feeling sort of lonely. I get that way sometimes and wish I could call my daughters to come over and go to a movie with me. But since they are many miles away, I just get through those times. But the other weekend, I decided to go to a movie by myself which I hadn’t done for a long time. I like to go early and sometimes am the only one there which I love! I went to a theater that is close to Wal Mart as I decided I would take a walk before the movie and go shopping. I took my camera as there are usually interesting-looking people shopping in Wal Mart. As I entered I noticed a big, fat man sitting down facing me. I couldn’t very well go up and take his picture, and he already looked mad to me, so I just let that one pass. Pretty soon I saw a girl walk by me with bright purple hair! I started fumbling around with my camera, hoping to get a shot of her from behind, but a Wal Mart employee came up to me and asked if I needed help. He probably thought I looked suspicious. Do I look suspicious? How rude of him. So I told him I wanted to take a picture of the girl, so he went right up to her and asked her! She turned around and said “Sure,” so I snapped it and told her I wanted to use it on my blog. She said fine and was off. I don’t think she knew what I was talking about, but that’s the picture here. She looks so happy – it made me feel good. So I decided to buy some hair dye and come home and dye my hair purple. I couldn’t find the dye, but I did find some cream to put under my eyes to take away any wrinkles and darkness. I’m using it now but still look the same to me . . . sort of suspicious.
After my Wal Mart experience, I walked over to the theater which is right by the high school where Teri’s and Cindy’s dad coached football. They named the stadium after him, but had a fire several years later so his name is no longer in view. And since schools have no money anymore, I doubt that it will be put up again. No one has any money anymore, but that’s a whole different story. The movie I saw was “Ghost Writer,” directed by Roman Polanski. I knew it would be good as his movies are always excellent. It was filmed in Germany since he’s in house arrest in Switzerland and can’t come to the US, but that’s a whole other story also. The movie was very fast moving and moved from scene to scene so quickly. It really was excellent.
So after that, I came home and applied my eye cream. I’m still waiting for results. But it was a pretty good day all in all.
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