Out to lunch
The other day Diane and I went shopping at Wal Mart. I don’t usually dress up on those occasions, but I felt like celebrating as I hadn’t been out for quite a while, so I went all out. I wore my GLEE t-shirt with a picture of Jane Lynch on the front – she’s shouting into a megaphone like she does. I also wore my HUMAN TARGET black, hoody sweatshirt with a big target printed on the back. Fortunately, no one shot me while we were out. I think HUMAN TARGET is over for the year, but I hope Fox gets on the stick and renews it. GLEE is back which makes me extraordinarily happy. I had my camera but took no pictures of “Wall Mart” people because there was never an appropriate time to do it. I did see a few, but they were facing me and I like taking them from behind, and the ones I saw weren’t that interesting from behind. As we went into the store, there were two police cars parked in front, so I got excited over that! I thought maybe I could get a shot of someone being dragged out in handcuffs – sort of like “Law&Order” - but the store seemed very subdued. I did buy two cans of soup that were much cheaper than where I shop. I think that was the most exciting event on our shopping trip.
So then we needed to find a place to have lunch and a glass of wine. We came back through Sellwood and I noticed a little place I hadn’t seen before. It’s called the Jade Teahouse and the cuisine is southeastern Asian – Thai, Vietnamese and whatever else is in Southeast Asia. Diane had chicken Satay with peanut sauce and coconut someplace on the plate. I don’t like coconut at all. It’s very creepy! But Diane said it was good. I had a Vietnamese meat ball sandwich that was out of this world! As we got up to leave, I noticed an interesting man at the counter with his buddy, and they left at the same time we did. So out on the sidewalk, I asked him if I could take his picture. Now if someone asked to take my picture, I would run screaming into traffic! But he was very obliging and said I could. I had to have him get in different positions and places because of the sun, and he seemed to understand the fact that I was not a professional photographer! He remained pleasant throughout the entire ordeal. His buddy told Diane they had done the plumbing for the restaurant which has been open about 8 months. After I took the picture, I asked the man if I could use it on my blog and he said I could. He wanted to know how to get on the blog because his granddaughter could do it and show him the picture. I think plumbers aren’t allowed to own computers. So I gave him a card for his granddaughter. He was so nice that I felt like he was a good example of most of the people that make up our community here in Portland – friendly, courteous and accommodating. As for the others who can’t be friendly, courteous and accommodating? Screw ‘em!
Maybe you thought this guy looked interesting because he kind of looks like Essa Alajaaki(sp?). I met Cindy yesterday. That was pretty crazy. You two crack me up!
Unknown, at 10:15 AM
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