I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Out to lunch

The other day Diane and I went shopping at Wal Mart. I don’t usually dress up on those occasions, but I felt like celebrating as I hadn’t been out for quite a while, so I went all out. I wore my GLEE t-shirt with a picture of Jane Lynch on the front – she’s shouting into a megaphone like she does. I also wore my HUMAN TARGET black, hoody sweatshirt with a big target printed on the back. Fortunately, no one shot me while we were out. I think HUMAN TARGET is over for the year, but I hope Fox gets on the stick and renews it. GLEE is back which makes me extraordinarily happy. I had my camera but took no pictures of “Wall Mart” people because there was never an appropriate time to do it. I did see a few, but they were facing me and I like taking them from behind, and the ones I saw weren’t that interesting from behind. As we went into the store, there were two police cars parked in front, so I got excited over that! I thought maybe I could get a shot of someone being dragged out in handcuffs – sort of like “Law&Order” - but the store seemed very subdued. I did buy two cans of soup that were much cheaper than where I shop. I think that was the most exciting event on our shopping trip.

So then we needed to find a place to have lunch and a glass of wine. We came back through Sellwood and I noticed a little place I hadn’t seen before. It’s called the Jade Teahouse and the cuisine is southeastern Asian – Thai, Vietnamese and whatever else is in Southeast Asia. Diane had chicken Satay with peanut sauce and coconut someplace on the plate. I don’t like coconut at all. It’s very creepy! But Diane said it was good. I had a Vietnamese meat ball sandwich that was out of this world! As we got up to leave, I noticed an interesting man at the counter with his buddy, and they left at the same time we did. So out on the sidewalk, I asked him if I could take his picture. Now if someone asked to take my picture, I would run screaming into traffic! But he was very obliging and said I could. I had to have him get in different positions and places because of the sun, and he seemed to understand the fact that I was not a professional photographer! He remained pleasant throughout the entire ordeal. His buddy told Diane they had done the plumbing for the restaurant which has been open about 8 months. After I took the picture, I asked the man if I could use it on my blog and he said I could. He wanted to know how to get on the blog because his granddaughter could do it and show him the picture. I think plumbers aren’t allowed to own computers. So I gave him a card for his granddaughter. He was so nice that I felt like he was a good example of most of the people that make up our community here in Portland – friendly, courteous and accommodating. As for the others who can’t be friendly, courteous and accommodating? Screw ‘em!


  • Maybe you thought this guy looked interesting because he kind of looks like Essa Alajaaki(sp?). I met Cindy yesterday. That was pretty crazy. You two crack me up!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:15 AM  

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