Have I joined a cult??
I took this picture of myself – first time I’ve ever taken a picture of me – wearing a t-shirt I bought from Cindy’s store. She was contacted by the Zendik cult about t-shirts, so she sent for some as they were pretty cheap. I don’t think she should ever deal with them again. I looked them up on Google and they definitely are a cult, all 25 of them. I mean there are 25 people, not 25 cults. They didn’t have many members when the article was written, and I doubt that they have many more now. They are located in the hills of West Virginia . . . that’s no surprise. They say they’re dedicated to creative survival and social change through the arts by their blueprint which will be spread through an “Infinite Psychic Field.” I have no idea what they’re talking about, but they sound scary. I think all they do is go out on the road and sell crappy merchandise. Kids are home schooled, but not really. Kids are cared for by others, rather than their mothers. Sex is not allowed unless Arol, the head mother of the cult, gives the woman a pelvic and then maybe her approval. Arol isn’t a doctor. She just plays one like on TV. There was a lot of information on Google written by a woman who lived with them for about 4 years, and it all adds up to Zendik being some kind of crazy cult. I sure hope I’m not a member now because I’ve worn the t-shirt about 3 times. I like the color, so what the hell?
After I took my picture which was quite a process for me, I had to go to the bathroom so I went in and sat down on my toilet. Much to my surprise, I saw many, many tiny little black ants running around the floor in front of me and in the corner. I had put one of those plastic things with poisonous water that tastes good to ants in the corner, and they were all over that. I guess they’re supposed to drink it and then take it home to their loved ones who will get it from them and then they’ll all die. I’ve done it before and it seems to draw the ants from wherever, but it also makes the ants that were running like crazy before now act like ordinary drunks, staggering around. But I couldn’t stand them running around in front of me, so I got some toilet paper and leaned off the toilet as far as I could without falling. You see I wasn’t through with my business so I couldn’t leave. I managed to get quite a few ants without falling off and knocking myself out. So when I was all through, I picked up all the ants and then sprayed with bad stuff to stop them from coming in. It’s been okay so far, but I know they are never far away. There’s dry rot in my building, so there will always be ants. But just so long as the Zendiks don’t come after me, I can deal with ants. I forgot to mention the meaning of Zendik: “Outlaw; one who thinks outside the current established order.” Are they talking about me?
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