Everyone’s having a Tea Party these days!!
I may have started the Tea Party craze. Way back when I was very little, I had a tea party on my sixth birthday. There was no admission fee and Sarah Palin wasn’t invited so she couldn’t give a speech. I don’t believe any checks were written, but everyone had a good time even though it was a big flop as a fundraiser. I don’t know why we would have been raising funds unless it was so my dad would have more gas money to drive to Portland to find drunks on the street that were willing to come to Hood River to pick our apples. Of course, they always got drunk after they were paid, so you could never get enough funds to cover that. Those were interesting times. At this tea party, my dad dressed up as a clown and did crazy things and we all had a blast. This went on for several years until we all got too old – or maybe my dad got tired. Being a clown is not all it’s cracked up to be.
In the pictures, the top one has us all sitting at the tea party table. I’m the one wearing the glasses. I’m the ONLY one wearing glasses – I came out of my mother’s womb wearing glasses.You can see the reflection on my glasses. The bottom picture is of me sitting on the clown’s lap. I really loved those parties.
I can’t figure out what the Tea Party movement is all about. According to Google, my Bible, “The Tea Party protests are a series of nationally-coordinated protests across the United States beginning in early 2009. The protests are part of a nascent (I had to look that one up), larger anti-tax political movement called the Tea Party movement.” Just what is it these people want? If you ask me – and no one has, but I’ll say it anyway – they’re a bunch of crazies who have split from the more moderate republicans and are so far right they’ve hit the wall. I think the republicans are scared of them as they’re screwing everything up. What gets me is that any time Obama makes a statement or suggestion, the republicans and Tea Party crazies veto it or say it’s bad. But some of those ideas began with the republicans during the previous administration, so why are they bad now but good when they were in power? You know what I think the Tea Party needs? A good clown! They could have a clown at all their meetings and he could run through the crowd throwing all sorts of things like balloons, candy, dog poop and other oddities. That would certainly liven things up. But what I really think is the Tea Party movement should go quietly into the sunset, never to return and quit embarrassing themselves and our country. I just saw Sarah Palin on TV at the Tea Party get-together in Boston today. She was screeching in her high, squeaky, abrasive voice that just about knocked me off my couch! Can’t anyone shut that woman up?
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