Time to plant potatoes again
I was pretty successful last year with my potato harvest, so I decided to do it again this year. This time I bought seed potatoes from the garden store and tried their method of planting. I’m using two big planter pots – last year I had just one. It’s going quite well, and the green sprouts are coming up every day. When they do that, I immediately cover them with more soil until they come through that. I guess I’ll stop when they come to the top of the planter which makes sense even to me. The picture is another one of my dad and me planting potatoes at my childhood home – or were we harvesting what we’d planted earlier? Who knows and I don’t really care. The whole point is that we were doing the potato thing together. This picture was taken several years after the picture I used in my previous “potato” blog. Apparently, I had become a young woman but was still into gardening with my dad. Our two dogs, Puggy and Lala, were helping as they always did. I wish my dad could be here now to watch my potatoes grow. I could tell him about the method I used that the garden shop provided.
It seems like I should be having my daughters, Teri and Cindy, around me when I plant potatoes. That would be sort of like carrying on the family tradition. I can just see us all, gathered around the big containers where the planting is taking place. Maybe we’d sing some old family songs – I’m sure we had some. After we were finished with the planting, we’d sit on the deck and have lemonade . . . no, we’d have some wine and cheese. We’d be quiet for a while as we waited to see if Larry, my sparrow, would fly up on the ledge to eat. But as the afternoon wore on and we became quite noisy, Larry would never appear. He was probably hiding under my deck and thinking, “What the hell is going on up there?” Maybe next year I’ll send my daughters formal invitations to the potato planting. Do you think that would work?