Cindy and April
For those of you reading my blog for the first time – although I don’t see how that could be possible - Cindy is my daughter and April is her new Bull Mastiff. Cindy just lost her beloved Charlie, her dog, and didn’t waste any time finding another one. When she told me what kind it was, I went through the “shock and awe” phase, wondering how she would handle a big dog like that. Cindy is very petite and weighs much less than April. But she said things were going along pretty well except April wasn’t eating much or drinking. But Cindy came down last weekend with April, and Mick – her ex-husband. April turns out to be a real sweetheart! She is so gentle and just lies around most of the time. She was never eager to go outside and could hardly wait to get back in my condo. She came from a puppy mill and was rescued by a Bull Mastiff rescue group. I don’t imagine she had ever had much love and was probably bred for puppies every other month. Not a good life – puppy mills should be wiped off the face of the earth. She liked me which made me feel good. She did eat a little here and drank quite a bit of water.
We all went for a walk, and she looked at everything and everyone like she’d never been out before. She was very aware of all the noises in the outside world and listened to everything. I couldn’t get over how gentle she was and how loving. After our walk, Mick decided to take a run which he did. When he returned his hair was standing on end and he looked like he’d taken a fall. Turns out he tripped over something on the pathway and fell all over the place! His sweatshirt was dirty, so I decided to wash some clothes. I had put April’s food dish and water dish in the laundry room as I knew I wouldn’t be washing clothes that day – little did I know. Well, the water dish was huge – one of those bowls we all had a long time ago that holds everything – the big yellow one. So I had to step over the food dish and water dish, but I managed to hit the edge of the water dish and the water went all over the floor and me! So Cindy got towels and I stripped off my jeans right there and threw my clothes and Mick’s in the wash. After that, we all needed to lie down and rest with April.
I talked to Cindy yesterday and she said April is eating a little better and adjusting well. She loves riding in the car, so Cindy takes her with her when she goes out on errands. But she’s always excited when she comes home. I’m the same way. I’m so happy Cindy found a dog as loving and gentle as April. Everyone needs a dog like that.
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