I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Friday, April 27, 2012

What is a Mitt Romney?

A Mitt is an extremely tall, incredibly stiff and very white man - also a Mormon. That isn't something I look forward to seeing as the head of our country. Does he have another name or is that it? I don't know what qualifies him to be our president. His past record stinks as far as I'm concerned. His years at Bain Capital made most of his 200 million fortune. I don't understand leveraged buy-outs and that sort of business venture, but I do know that many of his dealings made him much money but caused businesses to fail and go bankrupt, thus causing many people to lose jobs. He always talks about how he created jobs during this time there, but fails to mention the adverse effect that created the job losses under his leadership. I've noticed his way of trying to fit into his surroundings. When in the south or midwest, he wears jeans and eats the kind of food that he probably wouldn't touch otherwise. He talks like the country people there in a manner I find condescending.

I wonder if he ever cuts loose and has a drink with the guys or goes out dancing just for the heck of it. But I guess Mormons don't dance if there are sexual overtones in the dancing which is what dancing is all about. And I know they don't drink. What does Mitt do for fun? He probably can't see an R rated movie or watch raunchy television. What a drab life! Even Republicans are thinking he should loosen up a little and stop being so combative and dark. He should be running for president, not trying to knock the actual president down. He seems so angry at Obama. Is he afraid to talk about his past and all the money he has, some of which was not earned in a good way? Why can't he make up his mind about something and then stick to it. 

He was chosen as one of the 100 most influential people in the country by "Time" magazine last week. I'm sorry they picked him, but no one asked for my opinion. I'm sure I could have come up with a much better candidate . . . possibly someone who hadn't cost people their jobs or someone who didn't strap their dog on top of their car and then drive hundreds of miles.  "Time" had a short piece written about him by Bill Bain, CEO of Bain & Co. He was gushing about Mitt throughout the piece and he did mention something I found hilarious. When Mitt first started working for Bain, he would come into work so early he even beat Bill Bain who had always been the first to arrive. So Bain one day told Mitt he was pissing him off, and when Mitt asked why he told him. Mitt says the reason he's so early is because he gets up and helps his wife with their kids, then goes and visits the sick people from his church
and then comes to work. I don't know how that made him come to work early unless he didn't sleep at night . . . . ever. Will he do that if he becomes our president? I'm sure there are many sick Mormons in DC.

I see where broadcasters are interviewing Ann Romney and depicting her as almost a saint. We know she has MS and had breast cancer at one time with radiation which she says really laid her low. I had breast cancer surgery and radiation and I drove myself to all the appointments and kept going as usual. I have many of the same symptoms she has but I can't take equine therapy as she does because I don't have the money her dear husband does to provide the horse or therapy. I don't have any place to keep a horse where I live as I'm not in the 1% like they are with their three mansions and elevator for their many Cadillacs. I'm hoping Mitt doesn't build his run for the White House around his wife and what a special person she is. But I'm afraid that's just exactly what is going to happen.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Am I depressed?

I went to the grocery this morning which is always depressing as everything costs so much that it's no fun anymore. I came home and plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. The first thing on was an ad for something and a voice asking, "Are you depressed?"  I was frantically nodding my head because no one could hear me if I answered out loud. It went on to list several symptoms you would have if you were depressed. Of course, I had them all. It gave a phone number to call but I didn't have anything to write with and by the time I found a pen and paper, I had forgotten the phone number. I'm sure I'll see it again as it's on several times a day. Maybe they aren't getting enough business because people can't write down the phone number fast enough . .. . . . . . probably because they're too depressed.

The tv changed to world news which would make anyone deeply disturbed. What in the hell is the GSA doing with all of our money? They are supposed to be the watchdogs but they spend nearly a million dollars in Vegas on a conference! This has been going on with them for some time. Why hasn't someone with brains picked up on it and put a stop to it. What is wrong with everyone???

And the other nasty news concerns the president's trip to Columbia. The secret service men and some armed forces personnel who were sent there to make sure everything was in shape for the president brought some prostitutes back to their hotel after a night of partying. But when one of the men wouldn't pay the prostitute what was due her for the night, she went to a cop!! That started the whole investigation into just what happened. There will probably be a congressional committee formed to look into it, and we all know how fast those congressional committees work! There must be thousands of those committees working on other things that we never hear about because no one does a damn thing. I'm glad the prostitute was off her back and on her toes and found the cop or no one would ever have known about it. There must be some kind of medal our government could give her . . . . . maybe for whistle blowing.

And what I find is so funny about the whole thing is the fact that the government people make statements saying "This is not the kind of people we are." I'm sorry, but I think this is exactly the kind of people we are.

What would make me feel better now is a good old re-run of "Law&Order." They are always on. You can depend on "Law&Order" more than you can depend on the secret service these days.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fox shows

I haven't written about tv for a while, but I just finished watching a preview episode of "Touch" which will be showing April 19 - it is entitled "Lost and Found," and it stars Keifer Sutherland who is very good in this part. This episode was especially good. I've been following "Touch" since it started, and it's a very unusual show - It's not something you can miss by going to the bathroom. Do that during commercials if they're long enough. It has so many interwoven stories in each episode that sometimes you find it hard to keep up. I hope it stays on next season because I think it's worth it. It makes your mind work more than if you were watching "Whitney" which I don't watch.

I also keep up with "New Girl" which I like very much. Sometimes I wonder if Zooey is being too cute, but she is cute so maybe that's just the way it is. The three guys in the show are crazy guys, but they take care of Zooey and she, in turn, takes care of them. In one scene you'll see several of them in the bathroom, brushing their teeth together and Zooey's right in the middle. It's sort of like a sorority house only not really. Although maybe it is these days. It should be on next season.

I also like "The Finder," but I hear it might not be on next season. Why not? I think the characters are all very good and the show is funny and interesting. Geoff Stults plays a retired army man and Michael Clarke Duncan plays a former attorney. There are a couple other characters who are all good. Geoff is The Finder who finds lost things, people, etc. for other people. Sometimes he gets paid, but he does it not for the money. He suffered brain damage in the war from an ied explosion which left him with the ability to find things and the urge to do so. So that is what he does, no matter if it's dangerous to him or those with him. He can be very funny which I like. I hope it's on next season. Don't let it go!!

Monday, April 02, 2012

Cindy's having a birthday today!

My baby is growing up! She's not a baby anymore, but I will always think of her as one. She's the younger of my two daughters and has two grown sons of her own, but she's still my baby. This picture was taken at my folk's house where I lived before I went to college - and the man in the chair is Cindy's great grandfather - my mother's father. Cindy looks so sweet in that picture - I love it!

Cindy hasn't had an easy life, but she never complains and doesn't let me see when things aren't going well for her. She can always make me laugh. She has a crazy sense of humor that I love, and people are drawn to her because of her kookiness. She has her own shop where she sells crazy magnets, cards and just goofy things that make you laugh and feel good. She visits with all her customers, and everyone becomes her friend. She has a huge dog, April - a bull mastiff! I've put pictures of her on the blog before. She takes her to work with her every day, and they are absolutely crazy about each other. Cindy has different types of customers come to her store - gay, straight, transgenders, some bringing their wives/husbands. Some have money and some don't have any at all. Many times she ends up giving people something when she knows they can't pay. Cindy has such a good heart and likes everyone. I am so very proud of what she has accomplished and the woman she has become. She has made me laugh. I've cried over her. I hope I've made her laugh but I know I've made her cry. I'm sorry for those times; they shouldn't happen.

I know there comes a time when you supposedly let go and your kids are completely on their own, out of your control. I have a hard time with that as I'm sure both of my girls know. I don't think I've reached that point yet. In fact, I don't believe that ever happens.

So happy birthday, Cindy. I don't like birthdays because it means you're a year older which makes me a year older. I don't like the sound of that at all! But you're in your prime now and should be enjoying the coming years. And don't forget - I'll be watching and trying not to offer too much advice. But come to think of it, my advice would not be the best as I've made many missteps in my life. So let's just say you can learn a lot from me - good and bad - and you'll know which way to go.

I love you lots (your mother, Patsy)