This story begins with the father, David Keith, tossing his young son, Bobby, out a window to go start the car while he’s right behind him. The law is knocking at their door as they are brilliant con artists who are about to be apprehended. But evidently not as the story continues with Bobby all grown up and a super, brilliant con artist on his own who can’t seem to lose his dad. Bobby is smart, empathetic, sweet, knowledgeable and very good-looking in a sort of puppy-dog way. After watching this episode, I was ready to write him a check until I realized this was all make-believe!
This all takes place in Texas where women are women and men are conniving, corrupt and immoral. Bobby, now Bob, has two wives – one in Midland Texas and one in Huston. The one in Midland is sweet, naïve and very unworldly. The one in Huston is beautiful, not the least bit naïve and certainly not unworldly. Bob goes on his way, sweet-talking nice people out of their money for some make-believe oil well or minerals until the Huston father-in-law, Jon Voight, who actually owns oil wells and is very powerful, takes note of him and puts him in his business on the 30th floor yet! Bob’s dad thinks it’s a way in to get all the money, but Bob wants to go straight after years of the con game. So that doesn’t go over well, and what’s more, Jon Voight is a real son-of-a-bitch which does not bode too well for Bob. Bob’s dad always told him, “You play any character you want but you never play yourself.” This is the con’s man creed, and Bob crossed the line falling in love with a mark, let alone two.
This could turn out to be a very entertaining show – sort of like “Dallas” on crack. It’s going to be fun seeing how Bob manages two wives, a mean dad, and a meaner boss and father in law. This probably calls for a mental breakdown someplace down the road.
We’ll see. Just keep watching.