Teri, Mark and Harry came back from their trip with Rita’s family to Sun River and stayed one night with me before leaving for New York and then Greece - - a country with a worse economy than ours! We had to celebrate, so I bought a nice wine, not the cheap stuff that I drink. I got out my three wine glasses and Harry’s sippy cup. I keep it with all my wine glasses in the wine cupboard where it belongs. I used to have four big wine glasses in case I had a couple over visiting me and my boyfriend. But I didn’t have a boyfriend until I found one in Louisiana. He called me his fiancé and I called him my friend. I was planning a trip to see him to see if maybe he could be a fiancé, but then Katrina happened. I had to cancel my plane ticket and also my friend. He married someone who apparently liked living in that hot, sweaty climate, so I broke one of my wine glasses. I’m in no hurry to get another one.
Getting back to the celebration . . . the last time Harry was here which wasn’t that long ago, I offered the sippy cup to him and he said he wasn’t using it anymore. He’s almost 15, but that’s no excuse for giving it up. I’ll bet he uses it at home when he gets up in the morning to get himself started with a warm shot of milk. I remember when they were in Los Angeles and living in West Hollywood in a really fun neighborhood. Teri and I would get up early and walk down the street to the corner for coffee and tabloids in our pajamas! Those were fun times there. But before we were up, Harry would stumble into my room, throw himself down on the bean bag chair and wait for Teri to bring him warm milk in this sippy cup. He’d drink it really fast and then fling it clear across the room!! I’ll bet he still does that – he just doesn’t let me see him. I miss those days when they lived there. Teri and I would see stars on the streets there all the time and they looked just as crappy as we did. Teri always noticed them and would have to tell me. I am extremely unobservant. But it was exciting. Getting back to our celebration, we three big people each had a glass of wine and Harry had orange juice in a real glass, not the sippy cup. But I’m still keeping it just in case. I know one day I’ll catch him drinking out of it, and I’ll have my camera ready!
I, of course, gave them my expert advice on traveling to foreign countries. Don’t keep your wallet in your back pocket and don’t sit on the toilets – just crouch over them. I couldn’t think of anything else off the top of my head as I’m not a traveler. They are all pretty fit so could probably fend off a mugger – at least I’m hoping that’s true. Teri is very fit and I’m sure could be as resourceful as the woman who injured her boyfriend when she struck him several times with a vacuum cleaner! Why a vacuum cleaner? Why not a vacuum cleaner? Police found him all bloody and unconscious, so she really did a number on him. Teri could do that but I doubt she took a vacuum cleaner with her. I don’t even know if she has one. I’m sure they’ll be ok and have lots of fun.
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