Back to the compound
Teri and her family will be coming to the compound Thursday and will spend Friday here. On Saturday, they are going out of town with Rita and Steve and their kids, Hayden and Reggie, for a week. Harry will love it as he gets along with their kids – in fact, I think I saw on Facebook where Reggie says she’s either married to Harry or is going to be. Who can keep up with these crazy kids these days? So I am trying to think of something to entertain the family on Friday. I grabbed my neighborhood newspaper and found only two events on Friday. And they are:
At 10:30am, nursing moms will gather at more than 20 sites around Portland, with their babies, of course, and they will all begin nursing. That sounds delightful! No specific places are designated, so how will these moms know where to go? They expect at least 1,000 women will turn up at the venues which include supermarkets, restaurants and similar places. There will be refreshments, other than the obvious one, and goody bags and even prize drawings. This event is being held to coincide with World Breastfeeding Week which began in Canada in 2001 and has since spread all over the world. They do give a website you can contact and presumably they will give directions. I’m thinking we’ll give that one a pass.
And then I found one other event that surprised me. It talks about the owners of Jim and Patty’s Coffee on Northeast Fremont Street. For a minute I wondered if my brother and I had opened a coffee house and I had forgotten! But then I read on and realized it wasn’t talking about my brother and me. Jim and Patty are hosting a sing-a-long and ice cream social. Proceeds from ice cream sundaes are going to Our Mother’s House, a downtown drop-in center for prostitutes and those in the sex trade. I know our mother would be proud if Jim and I were doing something like that, but it’s not to be. I just read that it’s on Saturday, and Teri and family will be gone then. So I guess we’ll just have to come up with something on our own.
The above picture is of Teri and family getting ready to leave the compound for home after a stay with me. That was taken a few years ago and everyone is older now sad to say.
I just had a brilliant thought . . . at least I think it is. If the static kill where they dump mud and cement down on the top of the oil pipe that’s leaking works and kills it, could it possibly work the same on Julian Assange of WikiLeaks? It’s sure worth a try!
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