OSCAR Night!!
Oscar night has finally arrived. It was always an exciting night for my daughters and me. This picture was taken a few years ago of Teri and Cindy, all dressed up for the ceremony, at least I think that was the occasion . . . I could be wrong. I talked to Cindy this morning and she said she was wearing a crown she recently purchased in anticipation of the evening. I don’t know what Teri will be wearing . . . possibly her wedding dress which was gorgeous and vintage? I hope so. I’ll be wearing my “home clothes” which I wear all the time. No crown for me! I’ll write more later after the excitement is over.
Well, it’s over. I think it set a record, for me anyway, at 4 hours long. I started watching 2 hours before it started as I wanted to see the Red Carpet action. There weren’t that many people on the Red Carpet as the academy hid the presenters from the public so we couldn’t see them until they did the presenting. Whose idea was that anyway? Not a good one as far as I’m concerned. I did see Sarah Jessica Parker in a dress with a tiny bodice. It just didn’t work as her push-up bra nearly pushed her out of the tiny bodice. Jessica Biel had on a strange dress that had many flaps of material. What was that about? I thought Angelina Jolie was gorgeous in black with the green ear rings, but she’s gorgeous in anything. Natalie Portman’s dress was beautiful as was she. Sophia Loren’s dress was awful! She would have looked better in a simple black dress without all the material fluttering around. During the Red Carpet segment, they talked incessantly about ontheredcarpet.com where one could watch the proceedings. Why would you do that if you had a TV? Does this mean that sometime in the future, the Oscars will be shown only on the internet? Or should you watch on a laptop in front of your TV? Miley Cyrus was on the Red Carpet, chattering away. I think she was the first on the carpet, so she had some air time. She strikes me as an un-polished country girl who takes sexy, suggestive pictures with her daddy which doesn’t impress me at all. In fact it’s rather icky. But then, I’m an un-polished country girl, so what do I know?
I think Hugh Jackman was a hit. He moved things right along and was very entertaining. I liked the musical production number, but it took up quite a bit of time. Time was spent on old acceptance speeches which I don’t think was necessary. All that is fun to see, but it makes the ceremony very long. The non-actor winners always seem to spend an inordinate amount of time thanking every member of their crew, their agents and all their friends and family members. I guess that will never stop. We had heard that this award show was going to be new and improved. I think it was very good, but still too long. They could have done without the nominated song portion which I wouldn’t have missed at all.
There were some great comic moments. Ben Stiller and Natalie Portman presented an award for cinematography. Ben was disguised as Joaquin Phoenix when he appeared on the Letterman show. He even stuck his gum on the podium just as Joaquin had done. He was very spacey and wandered around the stage while Natalie was reading from the script. I liked that! I also loved the comedy sketch done by James Franco and Seth Rogan. Teri tells me it was a take-off on their film “Pineapple Express” which I haven’t seen but I hear was hilarious. Judd Apatow created that which makes me wonder if possibly he could be in charge of the next Oscars. We know they would have a lot more humor in them, and instead of musical numbers, just comedy sketches. It’s a thought.
I approved of all the winners because they were my choices! So now we wait to see what the academy has in store for us next year.