Charley doesn’t like the news either
Lately I haven’t enjoyed reading the paper that much. The news is not good anymore. Or was it ever good? Now it’s all about the horrible oil spill in the gulf that’s ruining the water and the marshes, killing the wildlife and wreaking havoc on the people that make their living there. The pictures of wildlife covered in oil are heartbreaking as are the stories of people who have lost their jobs and have no idea if they will ever get them back or if this is the way it’s going to be. And the oil just keeps on pumping.
And the other news about the little boy who’s been missing for several weeks and all the people involved in looking for him. I thought things sounded sort of fishy from the beginning, but we may never know. And the news about the Supreme Court giving us all the right to own a gun which I think is laughable. It’s supposed to be so that we all can have a handgun in our home for self-defense. The last thing I want in my home is a gun! Our country seems to be leaning more and more to the right – we’re almost all the way there. I’ll bet Wayne La Pierre of the NRA is jumping up and down and clicking his heels right about now.
Things in Mexico are so bad because of all the drug business. And where do they ship the drugs? To us! They just murdered the front-running candidate for governor of a Mexican border state. Four people in the car with him were also killed. Nothing seems to stop the violence there and I imagine it will be going on long after I’m not.
Our boys keep getting killed in Afghanistan every day. Sometimes I forget why we’re even there, and then I remember. George Bush declared war on Iraq and sent our boys there. But he never finished it and left the whole mess to the next president, Obama, who gets blamed for everything happening or anything that ever happened. Bush left the country in a mess and now Obama is trying to clean it up. But rather than getting credit for what he’s doing, the republicans blame every damn thing that happens on him.
Charley doesn’t seem to like the news much either. He must have heard me reading the news aloud the other day and hid behind the log. But he came out right away and jumped in the bird food and had a ball.