Cindy called me the other day while she was driving to work. I hate when my daughters do that as I don’t think it’s safe, but they obviously don’t care what I think about that. She told me her dog, Charlie, is not doing well. His hip is going bad as do hips of dogs his size most often do – Charlie is a big dog. So the lady veterinarian gave Cindy some fish oil pills that might help. I guess they do in cases like that. Cindy mentioned that she had a bulging disk and the vet said she did too! She said she takes the pills herself and they help her, so now Cindy is taking Charlie’s fish oil pills every day – two for Charlie and one for Cindy. That reminds me of “Seinfeld” – but everything reminds me of “Seinfeld.” One episode had Elaine at the vet’s office looking for help for a rash because all the people doctors in Manhattan had kicked her out as they said she was too difficult. And there was another “Seinfeld” episode where Kramer was taking a dog’s pills for a cough. He had found the dog on the street, and it was coughing. Kramer had a cough, and since he didn’t like people doctors, he took the dog to the vet and got some pills for the dog’s cough. So he took the dog’s pills. Jerry had to force one down his throat as it was quite big. But then Kramer started taking on a dog’s characteristics. When Jerry would jiggle his car keys, Kramer would run excitedly to the door to go for a walk or ride in the car, and occasionally he would bark!
I also thought of Cindy when Elaine’s area code in Manhattan was changed from 212 (that’s the only one that means anything in Manhattan) to some other numbers. The same thing happened to Cindy in Washington when they changed hers from the special one to some trashy number. Cindy complained and so did Elaine. But Elaine carried it further. She checked the obituaries and found an old woman who had just died with a 212 area code. So she called the phone company and requested that number. But then the old lady’s grandson kept calling and asking for Nana. Elaine got so frustrated she finally told him Nana was dead, whereupon he called 911 and the police broke into Elaine’s apartment to look for the dead Nana. The whole thing was very funny. Cindy got so upset, she canceled her land line phone and now uses just her cell. I guess she showed that phone company! In the picture, she’s looking ecstatic over how she solved the problem.
And then there’s George, Jerry’s buddy. George thought everyone should like him, and when Jerry’s girlfriend didn’t, George kept after her until everything blew up in his face. I think Jerry lost his girlfriend and George lost his. Cindy is like that in the way that she thinks everyone should like her, and it bothers her if she thinks someone doesn’t. She has never become quite as obsessed as George did. George obsesses over everything – that seems to be his life. Cindy hasn’t gotten there yet.
All in all, I think Cindy stepped right out of the “Seinfeld” group . . . or possibly into it. It’s like it was modeled after her life. She seems to have characteristics of those three characters – Elaine, Kramer and George - which is not a bad thing at all. Makes life interesting!