Cindy and April visit
Last Sunday Cindy and April came to visit and spend the night. Cindy's Brownie Morrison store isn't open on Mondays. Cindy is my daughter and April is her bull mastiff just so you won't get confused which would be easy to do. April is not a little dog, and it takes a lot of preparation before she arrives. I take off my comforter from my bed as April sleeps with Cindy there. Last time they were here April left a tiny bit of left-over poop smear on the comforter and it's hard washing a comforter. I told Teri about that and she almost threw up! Then I put on a couple of thin blankets and a sheet over them. I also put a sheet over my couch where I sleep because I don't want her drooling on my bed. We have several towels out to wipe her drool which she does after she drinks water. I also do that from time to time. I was all ready for her when they arrived. Cindy came in all smiles, and April sort of slipped in behind her. I had to stand out of the way because April doesn't make up to tall people - I'm 5'3. When I sat down on the couch(my bed) she came right up to me and put her head on my knee while I scratched behind her ears and played with the hair on her head. She loves that and didn't want me to stop. All the time I was thinking how much I love having someone play with my hair. Why can't that happen?
Cindy went to the store and bought a beautiful steak and two of those potatoes filled with cooked potato and cheese, chives, etc. Cindy has a bad back - I mean a really bad back - and needs an operation ASAP. So I insisted on cooking the dinner. I decided to broil the steak. I rarely broil and I rarely have steak. So I did it but cooked the steak too long and it wasn't rare enough. We like our meat just barely warm. So that was a big bust. And the potatoes didn't taste that good. Cindy ate hardly anything and I didn't do much better. We went to bed early - all three of us. Cindy left early in the morning as Monday is the only day she has away from the store to get things done.
After they left, I felt like I had been a crappy mother. I couldn't make her feel better because she was in pain from her back, and my cooking left a lot to be desired. I want my kids to always be happy and feel good - never to have anything wrong in their lives. I used to hear people say they could hardly wait until their kids were out of the house and on their own. Well, those days haven't happened yet for me. They
are never out of my mind.