Surprise Gift!!
This picture has nothing to do with this blog – I just like it. It’s of my mom, Cindy and Teri. Cindy had just been crowned that day as May Fete Princess of her high school, Teri had been crowned May Fete Princess the year before and my mother was a princess of everything!
The other day Teri called and said she and Mark were sending me a new computer! I was flossing my teeth at the time, and the phone startled me so much I almost pulled a tooth out! When I gained control, I said the usual things like, “You shouldn’t have,” “You shouldn’t do so much,” and on and on. Then I finally thanked them. I was so surprised I didn’t know what to do. Mark also arranged for someone to come out next week and set it up for me. My computer is getting old and does goofy things. Or maybe it is I that does the goofy things! I was cleaning out my file cabinet and found a booklet of instructions for my old computer that I had never even opened. Maybe that accounts for some of the trouble I had with it.
My new one arrived yesterday and is sitting here in my computer room in the box. I’ll let the guys who know what they’re doing open the box. I tried to get the delivery guy take it apart and set it up, but he got out of here pretty fast. I couldn’t get to sleep that night even with help from medication. It was probably after 3am when I finally fell asleep and was 5:30am when I woke up. My phone just now rang and it was Cindy calling from her Brownie Morrison store. She was all bent out of shape because she saw on my Facebook that I was now friends with Katy Perry! I got a notice about it but can’t find anything on my Facebook. I can never find anything on Facebook. I don’t know how that happened and I apologized to Cindy! She’s still pissed. I don’t know why I can’t find things that other people can on their Facebooks. Maybe I’m stupid – if that is the case, how will I ever learn how to use a new computer? This may be my last blog. I guess I won’t lose the old ones as they are just floating out there in space someplace . . . or at least that’s what I think. Wish me luck.
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