Cindy recently sent me this picture on the right that someone had taken of her. She’s wearing what could be a negligee, a vintage dress or a ball gown. I don’t know which and I didn’t ask. But I love the picture. As I was looking at her, I was reminded of how she always loved dressing up when she was a child. She’d put on my old things, my new things, anything she could get her hands on. Sometimes she looked great and sometimes really odd! Once she even put on a dress I had worn to a high school dance. I looked crappy in it, but I think Cindy looked better even though it was about two feet too long. She loved dressing up and her friends would occasionally play dress-up with her. She liked the fluffy boas . . . actually she liked anything fluffy.
The more I looked at this picture, the more I was reminded of an outfit she wore a long time ago. So I immediately began going through old photo albums and finally found that certain one. In the photo on the left, Cindy is standing with Randy, her doctor buddy (not really a doctor – they just played doctor with my old needles I used for an allergy). She apparently coaxed him into some sort of outfit. The other two boys, Todd and Troy, were also neighbors but didn’t join in the fun. I think they moved away and maybe became porn stars later on. But the dress Cindy has on looks very much like the one on the right. I have no idea where this dress came from, but I can’t get over the striking resemblance to the other one. There’s a container of clothes in front where I’m sure there were many other outfits just waiting to be worn. Cindy is wearing a wig and looks so happy and pleased with herself. That might be a wig Teri, Cindy and I bought one day at Monkey Wards, as we called it, when we went wild in the wig department. It had plenty of use throughout the years and brought many smiles to my daughters’ faces. Cindy is posing without the wig in the recent picture. I don’t think she’s worn it lately.