Time flies by so fast I think Teri's going to be older than I am in a couple of years! Teri lives across the country, and I miss her so much. There are so many times I want to talk to her about something or just nothing - I just want to talk with her. I want to be close to her.
I think I've used this picture already, but I like it and it brings back memories. I didn't go to her college graduation years ago and I don't think she ever forgave me. I never forgave myself so I found this picture of her kindergarten graduation. Maybe that helps a little. I did go to that one which I'm sure was quite a bit shorter than a college graduation ceremony. So maybe I knew what I was doing!

I love her so much and admire her the same, but I've mentioned that before. She has such a good sense of humor that I'm sure she found this funny. It was in the latest Time magazine. It told about the miniseries "Sons of Liberty" which debuted January 25 on the History Channel and depicted our leaders as roguish action heroes. I, of course, missed it since I hadn't even seen the magazine yet. The article says Ulysses S. Grant asked two agents to destroy a giant mechanical spider! They then end up becoming the Secret Service! Is that the way it's still done? Possibly that's why the secret service these days has so much trouble stopping people from
breaking into the White House. They're still looking for spiders which doesn't bother me that much as I'm scared to death of spiders.
So Teri, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I love you lots and lots.