The doctor makes a house call
This picture is of Cindy and three of her neighbor friends whom she forced to play dress-up with her . . . or maybe they actually wanted to. The boy on the right is Randy, the doctor, and I've written about him before. He and Cindy spent much time playing doctor and nurse or something similar when they used my old discarded needles I'd used to give myself shots for an allergy that turned out to be caused by Cindy's pet rat that I let sit on my neck. But that's another story for another time. They used the needles to shoot water into a rubber doll that eventually rotted! But they had a good time while it lasted. I wonder if meth mothers let their kids play with their needles these days. I certainly hope not.
So Randy is on the right in the picture, and Todd and Troy are the two other boys. They didn't live by us for very long so I don't know what happened to them, but as I said in a previous blog, they may have gone into the porn business when they were older. With names like Todd and Troy, how could they not? One of them is holding a snowman that I think was ours and I've always wondered what happened to it. Possibly it might turn up in a porn movie? Exciting!
Randy called Cindy the other day - they haven't seen each other for many years. He was coming through Tacoma and said he'd like to stop by her store. She was excited and told him she even had a hospital bed with stirrups in her store, but he said he didn't have time for anything like that! Besides, he was only a "play" doctor and couldn't perform actual services. They had a good visit and he even bought some of her stuff.
I'm so glad they got to see each other after all those years. Our families were very close back then and through the years.
Maybe I'll run into the little Japanese boy who gave me my first kiss in the first grade. I slapped his face and ran into the cloak room and cried! I was such a wuss!