Teri spends several exciting days with her mom!
Teri came from New York a couple of weeks ago to visit me for a few days. I planned on taking many pictures of her while she was here, but that didn’t seem to work out. We were busy much of the time doing exciting things. The above picture is not one of the exciting things. That happens to be the picture I took the night before she left. She didn’t want a picture, but I insisted, so she wrapped up in the afghan my mom knit for me years ago. It can be called a “shawl” – I would never use a real live Afghan. It was so good to see her. I miss not being able to see her or talk to her much. She’s so busy in her job that I don’t feel like I can call her anytime and say, “What’ up?” I cooked dinner for her two nights with new recipes, and she was impressed. Two was my limit, so it was fortunate that Rita asked us to dinner on the third night. So we went out with Rita and her family and had some good food that I hadn’t cooked which is the way I like it. I sat by Reggie, their daughter, who is 16 now and was on her cell phone texting Harry, Teri’s son, in New York. Reggie’s fingers were clicking away all the time. Sometimes Harry wouldn’t answer her right away, so she’d have to text him again. I don’t think she liked having to wait for a reply. Who does? I couldn’t help comparing it to our family dinners back in the old days. My girls didn’t have cell phones. I don’t think anyone had cell phones then; we just talked to each other at the dinner table. These days families don’t even have to talk to each other – they can just text each other and save their voices for competition on American Idol.
I showed Teri all the big yellow mushrooms growing in the dirt outside my condo window. They were the craziest looking things, and I noticed today someone has taken them all out. People would stop their cars and go over to look at them. I took a picture and may put it on my blog sometime. We also went to a movie while she was here and took walks. We had a few people over for wine and cheese one afternoon, and I’ll put that picture on soon. In that picture, Teri is wide awake and looking good! So it was an exciting time for me since I don’t do much of anything usually. I don’t know how exciting it was for her, but I sure had a good time. I didn’t even take offense when she told me my computer was a piece of crap! I yelled back at her that it wasn’t and she yelled back that it was. That was fun for me!
She left me to go spend several days with Cindy. I think she helped in Cindy’s Brownie Morrison shop and spent time with her family. So we all got to get together . . . just not at the same time or place. As Teri was leaving to go to Cindy’s, I followed her to the door saying, “I loved having you here. I wish you lived closer, I wish you lived here in town, I wish you lived here with me!” I think I was getting a little carried away by then, so she scurried out the door. I hope she comes back.
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