I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Friday, February 05, 2010

Super Bowl and Focus on the Family

I was planning on watching the Super Bowl Sunday, but now will definitely not be watching. I can’t believe CBS is showing an anti-abortion “documentary” about Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam. Focus on the Family is obviously a conservative group and will be telling the story of how Pam and Bob Tebow traveled to the Philippines when Pam was pregnant with their fifth child. Why would anyone travel to the Philippines when they’re pregnant . . . why would anyone travel there in the first place? And why would anyone have 5 children? While there, Pam caught an amoebic dysentery, and the medicine she took threatened her unborn child. The doctors recommended an abortion, but Pam refused and later had Tim who apparently was fine.

Now that’s a good story, but not one for the Super Bowl. It’s anti-abortion and that’s not the proper venue for their story. It’s not a political rally, it’s just a damn football game with a lot of drunken fans watching and cheering at the game and at home. It’s bad enough fans have to sit through many erectile dysfunction ads and the relatively new ads about sexual satisfaction for men and women with the new products . . . and always with sound effects at the proper moment. But the Tebow ad is just too much. I refuse to watch the game and won’t. I know one person isn’t going to help my cause, but it worked when I refused to watch Jay Leno when they put him on at 10pm and made the dramatic shows skitter around for a time slot elsewhere. I didn’t watch one show and his ratings were in the toilet. So, don’t let it be said that one person can’t make a difference. I’m hoping I can.


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