I watched the DVD sent to me of the 20th anniversary special of “The Simpsons” and also watched the show on Sunday. I didn’t write about it before, but will now. This show is so not politically correct and is sometimes crude and obnoxious, but it’s so darned funny and people love it! I’m surprised that Fox would allow it to be broadcast when it began 20 years ago. But Fox surprises me in many ways. Their news channel is so conservative I wouldn’t be caught dead watching it . . . maybe Shepard Smith sometimes. And yet they have programs on television that go against the conservative grain. For instance, “Nip/Tuck” is one of the most graphic shows I have ever seen except on HBO. Fox is an enigma as far as I’m concerned. But they seem to know what people want even if they might not agree. After all, it all comes down to money which we all love. I hear they have a new segment on their news show called “Hair and Unbalanced.” Guess I’ll give that a pass.
Morgan Spurlock wrote and directed the special and had “The Simpsons” visit many countries all over the world where they are loved. They also visited Rio de Janeiro where they are definitely not loved. He interviewed Paula Gobbi, former head of foreign press association, who said Brazilians are like adolescents who are still very sensitive to criticism. They didn’t like the portrayal of teleboobies, kidnappings and rats that were painted like skittles running through alleys. Little things like that offended them and they haven’t forgotten or forgiven. They couldn’t seem to realize that it was all done in fun. I must admit the skittles rats were pretty cute! They also didn’t like the remarks about the monkeys chasing people which I guess they do. When asked if the people understood the fact that “The Simpsons” offends everyone, she answered “No.” I think now I can understand why David Goldman had such a horrible time getting his son, Sean, out of Brazil. I think the people there are very unworldly and are several generations behind the rest of the world.
I wonder what they would think of the sketch on SNL last week that had me laughing out loud . . . or LOL which a teenager would say. It was the “Thomas Peepers Insurance Co.” and Thomas was creeping around outside a house in the dark and peeping in all the windows, especially windows with girls inside. The voiceover was saying what a great company it was and how they would be with you day and night, obviously, and wouldn’t even charge anything! Thomas went from window to window and finally ran away at the sound of a siren. I thought it was hysterical, but then that’s just my sense of humor. I don’t imagine Brazilians would understand.
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