More of Teri’s visit
Here’s the other picture I mentioned in my blog yesterday. During Teri’s visit we did quite a few things together and even decided to have some company. So one afternoon, we had a couple of my friends, Doyle and Diane, and my brother, Jim, who is obviously a friend, over for some wine and cheese. I asked Doyle to open the wine as I seem to have a hard time getting the corks out. I buy cheap wine with a screw top which I can manage, but Teri had bought some really expensive wine for us. It was wonderful!! But it was still hard to open as it obviously wasn’t the screw-top kind. I don’t know how we ever got the cork out, but it took a while. Teri was very good in that she didn’t yell that my wine opener was a piece of crap! We all had a good time even though Larry, my sparrow, never showed up on the ledge to eat. I guess he wasn’t used to my having company. We usually spend our time together with just my sliding glass door separating us. I imagine it will always be that way. Sad, isn’t it? I probably need a boyfriend.
When our friends left, I made sweet potato fries. I’ve never done that before, and I don’t think I did it quite right as they weren’t crisp. But they sure tasted good. In the picture above Jim is on the left, Teri in the middle and Diane on the right. I’m sure you could have figured that out. Everyone looks so good. I never like my pictures – in fact I hate them. I always wonder if I actually look like that. Once I cut my face out of a picture of my girls and me and Teri was furious. I never did that again.
A few days after Teri left, I went to the coast with Diane and Doyle for a couple of days. We had a great time even though it was raining. Doesn’t it always rain at the coast? We missed the tsunami and didn’t even realize the Chile earthquake knocked the world off its axis. Does that mean the world will spin out of control and we won’t have to worry about jobs, health care, twitter, whether or not Leno can make a comeback . . . things we spend entirely too much time thinking about? We may just have to hang on for dear life as our world spins around trying to find its axis. We stayed at a condo directly across from a golf course. On the wall next to our condo door, there was a sign which read: PLEASE – NO GOLF HOES. I’m thinking there might have been a letter left off by mistake . . . or maybe they were expecting Tiger.
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