I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

DHS – what does it actually do?

I’m getting sick of reading about how DHS mishandled the Jeanette Maples case and left her to die in her filthy home. DHS doesn’t have a good track record; in fact, I think DHS stinks. Jeanette Maples, 15, was abused by her mother and stepfather for years. Even though many people reported the abuse to authorities, nothing was ever done by DHS – NOTHING – during all that time. Her teachers and friends noticed bruises on her body, she was always hungry, never wanted to go home – even with all those signs of abuse, nothing was ever done by DHS. To quote “The Oregonian,” “DHS officials won’t comment because they’ve convened a critical incident response team review to examine how the agency handled the case.” When I read that it reminded me of how government organizations always form a committee to investigate something and we never hear the results. It’s all just forgotten. But DHS says the CIRT investigation is aggressively reviewing all the information. Why don’t I believe that?

There were so many signs displayed by Jeanette throughout the years. She had to wear ratty clothing but she still wanted to be in school – away from home. She was sad when she had to go home at the end of the day. However, after the eighth grade in 2008, she was home-schooled by her mother. She now had no contact with the outside world and any friends. Her siblings were allowed to attend school where they seemed happy, but Jeanette was all alone in that filthy house with an abusive mother who beat her.

To quote “The Oregonian” again, they say “Even though the DHS investigation will not be made public for weeks, one child welfare advocate in Oregon is confident the agency is making important strides and diligently examining its mistakes.” But haven’t we heard this for years? How long does it take to happen? And how could this child undergo such horrific treatment for so many years and never have anyone come to her aid? Isn’t that the purpose of DHS? The whole thing is almost unbelievable, but it actually happened. I hope we, the public, will demand more from agencies we put there to protect our children. They must be accountable for their actions if they really do act.


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