Christmas at BROWNIE MORRISON’S!!!
The top picture is of the front of Cindy’s shop and the bottom picture is Cindy, the little shopkeeper, taking a much needed break from her duties.
I traveled to Tacoma to spend Christmas with Cindy and family, and I spent some time in her new store – Brownie Morrison. She has crazy cards, pictures, jewelry and all kinds of funky stuff. She’s put so much work and time into it getting ready, and when she did open it almost two weeks ago, people were there every day paying her money for her stuff! She finds it hard to believe people would pay her money. I’d feel the same way but would probably get used to it if it kept up. What a wonderful feeling that must be! I’m so very proud of her as this is something she has always wanted to do and finally did. Mick, her ex-husband who is a very good friend, is helping her get it going. Both Cindy and Mick got sick the day after I arrived which speaks poorly of my presence. I wonder if I do that with other people or just reserve it for family members.
I stayed in a condo on the floor below Cindy’s as there wasn’t enough room for all of us at her place. I cooked Christmas dinner and got instructions on cooking a rib roast from Teri by cell phone in Brooklyn who looked it up on the internet. The roast was delicious and blood rare, of course. Cindy brought April, her mastiff, down with them as April can’t stand to be away from her. I was in a small place, and with April underfoot all the time it made getting dinner difficult. And while we ate, April drooled all over the pretty coffee table. I’m sure that’s the last time that gal will let anybody use her condo. She was a friend of Cindy’s – was is probably the operative word. It was so good being with family on Christmas. I got to spend time with Pat and Nick, my grandsons, whom I rarely see. I talked to Harry, Mark and Teri in Brooklyn which was great. Teri asked Cindy if I ever came up to her condo, and Cindy said, “No, but we talk on cell phones.” What a modern Christmas!
We didn’t have time for an I ETA PI sorority meeting as Cindy was busy all the time with customers. But she had the Betty Broderick movie on her television all the time, so Betty was very much in the picture. In fact, I think the Betty movie played over and over all the time. Some day Teri, Cindy and I will get together up there and have a real meeting. Maybe we’ll initiate new members if they’re able to pass the test. Cindy has 3 questions all prospective members must be able to answer about the Betty movie before they may be initiated. I wonder what Betty would think if she knew all the fuss made about her. Maybe when she gets out of prison next year, she’ll travel to Tacoma to get rid of Cindy just as she did with her ex-husband and his new wife. We sorority members are going to have to watch out for each other when Betty is out. In the meantime, Brownie Morrison will keep on and the movie will keep playing. Cindy is a good shopkeeper!
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