I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Strange happenings at Holly’s Diner and other interesting items

This week started off very well for me due to the fact that Craig Ferguson was back from wherever – he was in re-runs the week before. He was his same irreverent, raunchy, crazy self – just the way I like him. He is also very smart and very cute which I also like.

Last night I watched “Fringe” which started as a young woman was dumped out of a truck in the middle of a street. She stumbled her way into Holly’s Diner where she started convulsing and bleeding from her orifices. The other customers in Holly’s diner began exhibiting the same symptoms, and very soon they were all dead. Not a very good night for Holly’s Diner. The rest of the show was spent trying to stop whatever was going on and why it ever was. I have really been drawn into this show – I don’t know why as I’ve never liked the same old hum-drum sci fi shows. But this one is different and holds my attention all the way through. I think it’s going to be a real winner.

Another thing that made me laugh was a long article about Sarah Palin in the “New York” magazine. It told a lot about Wasilla which sounds like a red-neck strip mall – not a place anyone would visit unless they were being extradited there for some reason. But what I found funny was when the writer, Mark Jacobson, described how he went to the Bowling Ball Bonfire held in a dense forest just north of Wasilla. He goes on to say, “The Bowling Ball Bonfire is one of those only-in-Alaska sort of entertainments. Bowling balls are placed into sawed-off oxygen tanks loaded with black powder and then shot a hundred feet into the air. Then the suspense sets in because who knows where they’ll come down.” If Sarah becomes VP, perhaps we’ll see that happening on the White House lawn?

I read something the other day that really made me sit up and take notice. It also made me think I must be way behind the times. Apparently elephants in Kenya are text messaging!! Yes, they really are. But they have such big feet and no fingers. I don’t text message – I don’t have the proper equipment and probably never will. I don’t even want it. But are elephants that far ahead of me? As I read further, it turns out it’s a collar with a mobile phone card in it that’s put on rogue elephants and sends rangers messages when the elephant is getting close to someone’s property. The rangers then respond and chase the rogue away. Do you suppose that would work with burglars, car thieves, rapists, telemarketers, etc.? Probably not.

And Prime Minister Vladimir Putin finally had his dog, Koni, fitted with a collar containing satellite-guided positioning equipment. Now he can track the dog all day and night and know just where she is. But it doesn’t work if the dog doesn’t move or lies down in a puddle. To which Putin replied, “My dog isn’t a piglet; she doesn’t lie in puddles.” When someone remarked that she looked sad, Putin snapped, “In Soviet Russia, GLONASS track you.” GLONASS is Global Navigation Satellite System which Russia is using. How comforting.


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