I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Emmy Night

I can’t believe I actually sat through the Emmy show last night. What a big fiasco that was! To start with, what’s the deal with the five Reality show people being hosts? And what about Howie Mandel – what is wrong with him aside from the fact that he is an actual, live Mr. Monk with excessive OCD? Why didn’t someone cut him off before he droned on for what seemed like forever? And what was Oprah Winfrey doing there, congratulating herself on being literate or whatever. Her place is at the daytime Emmy show, not this one.

Any why do they continue to mention all the old shows and people that may have won before. We watch to see who won this year, not who won 20 years ago and how those people look now. Spare us! Too much time was spent on supposedly cute little skits with the hosts – they weren’t cute – they were BORING! And so much time is always spent on some of the awards when what seem to be 500 hundred people saunter up on the stage to accept one award. Why do all those other people have to be there? We know many people work on the shows, but do they all have to show themselves when one person wins the award?

I know Ricky Gervais is a very funny man, but I think his bit could have been completely omitted. It went on too long and wasn’t even that funny. I was very happy with the winners in the big categories – they were all my favorites. I was waiting expectantly for Craig Ferguson when he gave the last award. I knew it was going to be the last one, but I was really pissed when there was no time left for him to be funny and crazy. That was one of my big disappointments for the evening. Very poor planning on the academy’s part.

What was all the talk about National Stay At Home Week? It will be going on during the premiere of most of the new fall series. What a surprise! Did the government have anything to do with this? I wouldn’t be surprised as it sounds like something they might think up.

I guess I’ll just have to wait until next year and see if there’s any improvement. Who am I trying to kid? They will always be the same . . . droning on and on until the audience is comatose or dead. Here’s hoping they come up with a better theme next year, and for God’s sake, get someone to host who can move things along and be funny at the same time.


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