Cindy visits the compound
Cindy visited me last weekend and I loved it. I don’t see my daughters very often, so it’s always a treat when I do. I took this picture of Cindy about a year ago as she was standing in front of her new condo. She was very happy and it showed. In the other photo, her mannequin, Angie Dickinson, stands in Cindy’s living room by the fireplace. Cindy has two large mannequins and one is a boy, but I don’t recall his name. Angie is actually Michael Caine dressed as Angie Dickinson from the movie, “Dressed to kill,” which was a very exciting movie. If you never saw it, you won’t know what I’m talking about, but you probably never do anyway. Cindy has Angie dressed in the dress she is wearing in my profile picture for my blog. I love that! She changes Angie’s clothes occasionally so there’s always something new in her living room. Cindy’s tastes are very eclectic as are Teri’s, and there are many puppets, heads and crazy wall-hangings filling the spaces. When Cindy arrived, she was wearing earrings she had made which were quite unique. Her friend, Sonja, has a daughter who lost both her wisdom teeth, and Cindy made earrings out of them. They are dangly with the wisdom teeth swinging on the ends!
Cindy went on Funny or Die.com on the internet and showed me many crazy videos of the McCain/Palin ongoing saga. I especially like the one of McCain in some alley, frantically dialing Sarah to ask her to be VP. Her response is hilarious! Things like that make me laugh, and it’s a relief not to listen to the never ending, grating, squeaky voice of Sarah as she shouts, “I said thanks, but no thanks, to the” - - - I turn it off before she finishes.
Cindy brought a DVD down for us to watch. It was “The Brothers Solomon.” I had never heard of it, probably because it never went anyplace except probably straight to DVD. It was written by Will Forte of SNL. He played one of the brothers and Will Arnett of “Arrested Development” was the other brother. The movie was so stupid, but I laughed all the way through it so it must have been funny. I liked it. Lee Majors played their father and was in a coma the entire time, living with them all hooked up to all sorts of equipment like they do in actual hospitals. The whole thing was a mess, but we enjoyed it.
We managed to have some time to discuss our sorority, I Eta Pi, of which Teri’s the godfather, I’m the housemother and Cindy’s the president. I know Cindy has recruited a few members in Tacoma, but I have just one here – Diane. I don’t know if Teri has done any recruiting in New York, but she better get busy. We’d like to get Meredith Baxter to attend a meeting sometime since the entire sorority is based on Betty Broderick who murdered her ex-husband and his new wife, and Meredith played Betty in the highly successful TV movie. We hope we can make things happen.
I had planned on taking Cindy out to dinner, but she wasn’t hungry as she’d snacked all afternoon, so we ended up each having a Lean Cuisine. I may not be the mother of the year with that dinner menu, but we sure had fun.
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