Yesterday my new sofa was finally delivered. My old one was white and sagging and never looked that good or went that well with my décor. Just kidding – I have no décor, and I’m not even sure what it means. But the sofa is brown and goes with the walls better than the white one. It’s big and brown – I like big and brown. And it’s so very comfortable – it’s also my bed as I never sleep in a bed anymore due to an unfortunate incident with an intruder one night years ago. So I slept on it last night, and it was wonderful! I love it! Teri wanted me to send her a picture, so I took a few and sent her the one above. You’ll notice the little man with the suitcase is in it again – he was in my last potato blog. I think I’ll call him the “Dude.” He may be dragging his suitcase along the campaign trail with his wife - the sexy librarian by day and the really sexy librarian by night - who wants to ban books and won’t allow sex education. Or maybe he’s trying to get away from all that foolishness and go back home where he can shoot moose, fish, hunt and do all those manly things – come to think of it, that’s what his wife does.
I just watched Craig Ferguson where he went off on the political scene. I was really proud of him. I think it was the best monolog I’ve seen him deliver. He became very excited about the fact that enough people aren’t voting. He’s from Scotland and became an American citizen recently. He takes voting very seriously and said people who don’t vote are stupid. He doesn’t want to be friends with the candidates, go out to dinner with them or have any contact with them. He just wants them to work for the country. He doesn’t like to see all their kids being shown all the time and dragged into the public eye – why is that important? The important thing is to elect someone who can run the country and make the necessary changes, not someone who has a dozen kids and shows them off. He became very excited and the audience loved it and so did I. He showed a registration form and said they would be at the door when the audience left. I was so energized by his talk that I almost went out to find a registration form . . . and then I remembered that I didn’t need to do that. I hope many people watched his show – it was a winner!
I think I’ve had just about enough of the Sarah Palin Chronicles. Isn’t that a Fox show? Anyway . . . I watched Sarah last night with her buddy Charlie Gibson and learned only two things. I now know that you can see Russia from Alaska, and Sarah says nucular like George Bush does. Other than that, she never gave a straight answer to anything, but did a lot of talking around the subjects. I also saw her saying in another interview that she didn’t want to turn on TV and see stories about Hollywood wives – she thinks TV is going too far. So if she wins, will all my favorite shows be banned? If that’s the case, I think I’ll move to Canada with Cindy. She says she’s moving if that happens. Maybe we could open a bed and breakfast and have my new sofa in the greeting room. Excellent idea, I think. And we would hope Craig Ferguson would be our first guest.
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