Do you recognize this couple?
I’m thinking it might be the First Dude and Sarah Palin. When this picture came into my hands, I immediately thought of them. Sarah seems to be squinting into the sunlight as she searches for Putin and his plane flying into her air space in front of her Wasilla, beachfront home. She apparently does that every morning upon awakening.
Katie Couric has been interviewing Sarah the last few days, and I’ve loved it! During one of her campaign gigs, when asked about Joe Biden, she said, “I’ve been hearin’ about his senate speeches since I was in, like . . . second grade.” Ouch! And when Katie asked her what magazines and newspapers she regularly read before being called upon for the VP spot on the McCain ticket, she said, “Most of them.” And when pushed by Katie to name specific ones, all she could come up with was, “All of ‘em, any of ‘em that have been in front of me all these years.” But she never did mention a specific newspaper. I find that a little frightening. I actually find her frightening in that she could be our next president in a while. That’s like a bad dream.
On the “Keith Olberman” show yesterday there was clip shown of her trying to answer Katie’s question concerning Supreme Court rulings such as Roe v Wade. We know she doesn’t like that one, and she gave many reasons why it was not good. Katie asked her what she would suggest for a young girl who was a victim of incest and became pregnant, and Sarah’s answer was “Counseling!” Katie then asked what other Supreme Court rulings she did not like. She couldn’t think of one – she rambled on and on as she does, sticking out her lower lip, smiling, acting folksy and appealing to the “Joe Six Pack” people out there someplace. She has a knack for wandering around a subject but never giving a straight answer. It gets to the point where you nearly forget what the actual question was. That could be just plain stupidity or a very crafty move on her part. Keith had James Moore, an author and a “Huffington Post” contributor, on his program and they discussed the fact that Palin could have mentioned the Supreme Court decision on the Exxon v Baker suit that reduced damages in the Exxon Valdez disaster. Palin was governor then – two months ago – and she was disappointed in that ruling. Has she forgotten that already? Why didn’t she mention it when Katie questioned her? Mr. Moore suggested that during the debate tonight, Joe Biden should “sort of beat her about her diminutive brain” and let the world know she’s not up to the job. I hope he does.
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