I think I'll start a foundation . . . but just what is a foundation?
I'll get to my foundation idea pretty soon, but first about my birds. I have my favorite, Black Larry, a sparrow. He's so dark all over I call him black. The other day I watched him hop into his water container to take a bath. He filled the whole thing up as it's small and he's big. I was extremely excited - kind of like seeing your little baby take her first steps! That could have been Teri or Cindy! I since have added a bigger water container. Recently there appeared another sparrow that is bigger than Black Larry and sort of scruffy looking. He doesn't mix with the other birds and sits alone on the ledge like Larry. I didn't know what to call him until I saw Newt Gingrich walking across a stage on TV. Newt looked short and puffy, like my new bird. So it hit me that I should name my new family member Newt.
I watched part of the Republican debate the other night - I think it was about the 450th debate - I lose track. I didn't watch much as it didn't interest me. Republicans don't interest me in the least, and they never have anything to say that makes any sense. But when I saw Newt walking on the stage with his stomach puffing out like my sparrow and also his wife in the audience with her helmet blond hair made out of cement, I thought of my bird family and how much more interesting they were. Black Larry and Newt are the only ones I've named as the others all look alike and aren't sparrows. I hate to call my sparrow Newt as I can't stand the man. He is a slimy person and comes with a lot of bad baggage. My Newt is good and just hops around minding his own business. I don't think the other Newt could even hop and he minds everyone's business.
Now for the foundation. I wrote recently about how many people, upon retiring, become consultants making scads of money. I gave up on that idea, but then I realized I kept hearing about people who start a "Foundation." Just what does a foundation do? It seems that everyone has a foundation of some sort. Do they collect money from people who want to support their foundation? How do you start a foundation - do you just say, "I'm starting a foundation and need money?" That sounds simple enough, but wouldn't you need a reason for the foundation? I could start one for Black Larry - I think I'd leave Newt out of it as I don't want anything Republican in the name. Maybe people would send birdseed and money for him. Of course, I would keep the money and give him the birdseed. I'm going to have think about this.
Have kept my fingers "quiet"... it has been hard. At this time we all have freedom of speech, (govt. hasn't completely taken that away yet) and are entitled to our opinions. In defense of any other "republicans" or non democrats I must say "You seriously think that our leader is doing our country any good?". Granted he is bolstering the economy in Hawaii and Maine with his frequent vacations, but other than that, he hasn't impressed me one bit. There... I feel better. :)
Julie, at 8:27 PM
Hey, I've kept my fingers quiet too. I think you are the person who used to accept my excuses for absence at David Douglas HS - could that be true? If so I remember liking you a lot and noticing then how funny you were. You also accepted some forged excuses and for that I am grateful (I was good at forging - I'm quite sure that you did not know). Anyway, I vote that you keep up your occasional political postings, I could not agree with you more; I also have no use for the republicans. I too am poor. I think we'd get along, except I am fat and I do know you have issues with that - so do I. You are very smart and funny and I appreciate your point of view. Thanks for your writings - 1975 DDHS graduate
Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
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