Harry's having a birthday today!!
My youngest grandson, Teri's son, is having his 16th birthday today! I hope he holds up better on this birthday today than he did in the above picture. I can't believe Harry is now 16. It seems like just yesterday he was little, sort of like he is in his picture. I like that because he's not posing and trying to look cool or cute or handsome or whatever you do when being photographed.
I was looking through my photo albums and found so many pictures of Harry when he was here or I was in New York. Some were of when we went to Jamaica and Harry staggered through the sand - he was learning to walk and sand is not a good place to learn, but he was hilarious to watch! It was so much fun being with him, but then I wouldn't see him for a long time. But we'd always catch up when we got together again. I even had a big refrigerator box delivered which I put in my living room with a big pillow and blankets where he slept at night, sort of like a cave. We did all sorts of fun things if you can call sleeping in a box fun! He even asked about the box recently, but I told him I had no place to store it. I could have just left it in the living room and rented it out!
Now that Harry is 16 he'll be having many more fun times - some I'll never hear about, I'm sure! And will he be wanting a car? Should he learn how to drive? If he has any questions about these teen-age years, he knows he can always ask me about skin care, sex, dating, school, raves, clothes, drugs and all those fun things. If I can't answer his questions, I can always go to my bible, Google. I know Jesse Eisenberg will be waiting to answer any questions I have and, hopefully, won't make fun of me. I mentioned in one of my Blogs about Google how Jesse and his guys would laugh at all the questions I asked all the time, over and over again. It's not really Jesse; I just think all the guys that work there are Jesse clones. But I just want Harry to know I'm here for him.
Have a happy, happy birthday, Harry. I love you lots.
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