I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Sunday, November 06, 2011

New episode of "New Girl" called "Cece Crashes" - November 8 - 9:01 - 9:31PM

This Fox show, "New Girl" is turning out to be very funny and smartly written. This week Jess's friend, Cece, stays with her for a couple of nights. She's convinced Jess that Nick, one of her 3 male roommates, likes Jess more than just as a friend which makes Jess extremely nervous. One of the hilarious scenes is where Cece tells her that when two people like each other, they stand with their feet pointing at each other. So Jess looks at other couples and jumps around when Nick looks at her so their feet won't be pointing toward each other! The entire episode is crazy, as usual, with many twists and turns. I like this show - it makes me laugh which is a good thing these days. Zooey Deschanel plays Jess and is the cutest new star this season as far as I'm concerned. She makes the show. So tune in this week - you'll like it.


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