Mother’s Day!
My daughters were with me on Mother’s Day - Teri out from New York and Cindy down from Tacoma. I loved it as we so seldom get together. I love my girls so much – they are funny, clever and smart – and they love all animals. But the best part is they are so good to me. There are many holidays during the year and people feel they must celebrate them all. I don’t feel that way, but I’m a little strange. I think people should get together when they can and not have to follow a schedule that’s written on the calendar. I think Christmas should be in the summer when people can travel – the same with Thanksgiving – but so far no one has asked for my advice and I doubt that anyone ever will.
Teri showed me her iPad and taught me how to play solitaire on it. I wasn’t too quick and she ended up on the couch just click, click, clicking away on it playing solitaire. She told me she couldn’t connect to the internet because I don’t have WiFi in my condo. I apologized. I don’t even know what WiFi is or where it is. Where are all these things coming from and why can’t I keep up with them? Teri has an iPhone or Blackberry or something in that category. Instead of having a ring when there’s a message, it moans! A very weird noise as far as I’m concerned. One night while they were here, about midnight I heard a horrible noise. It was like several fire engines at the same time! I jumped up from the couch where I sleep and ran around the room until I located the device that was making the screeching noise. It was Teri’s blackberry or whatever it was and I didn’t know how to turn it off. I finally saw a button and pushed it along with several other buttons. I couldn’t imagine someone sending one message that would produce that sound. I was wondering if we were being attacked and that was a warning from Homeland Security. So when I turned it off, I checked the TV to see if there were any news about something disastrous happening. But nothing. Of course, Cindy and Teri didn’t hear it screaming – they never hear anything when they’re asleep. Teri told me messages had probably stacked up and that’s why the big sound.
Cindy missed April, her bull mastiff. They are inseparable, but she couldn’t bring her down here this time because Teri and Cindy slept together in my bed and April couldn’t get on it. Teri wouldn’t allow it! April weighs as much as each of them. But Cindy got along ok, and when she got home, April whirled around in circles as she does whenever Cindy comes back from someplace. April does leave a lot of hair when she vacates a residence, so it was best without her this time. Cindy brought me some gifts from her “Brownie Morrison” shop. One is an incredible memory enhancing breath spray. It is supposed to help you “Instantly remember the names and faces of everyone you’ve ever slept with.” That sounds like fun!
This picture is Teri the morning she left, calling to see if the cab had forgotten her. It was right outside! Cindy was in bed and I looked like hell, so that’s all the pictures. All in all, it was a good Mother’s Day. I hope all you mothers out there had a good one also.
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