Come on, you guys! Watch this show! I just previewed this episode and found it to be about the funniest one I’ve seen yet. It’s all about cheating. It starts with MawMaw going to Dead Tooth’s home day care where Shelley takes care of little kids like Hope and also old people. There may be dogs there too. Anyway, MawMaw falls for a man there who is just as crazy as she. Shellie offers them drinks, one of which is called “A long, slow comfortable poop” which they take. That night at home she is happy and chipper – not her usual self. She’s usually out of it and living back in the old days with her husband who is actually dead and in a container in the living room. He was cremated – that’s why the container. Virginia tells her she looks like the cat that swallowed the canary at which time she spits something out which may be the canary. A yellow feather is left sticking out of her mouth.
Virginia and Burt become worried that MawMaw is cheating because of her dead husband. So the next day they keep her home from day care until Burt takes pity on her and takes her back. Virginia then goes after her and brings her home which ends up in a big mix-up.
Meanwhile, Jimmy takes Sabrina to college to spy on Wyatt to see if he’s having an affair with another girl. Wyatt is supposedly her boyfriend but never comes home to visit her. That turns into a big mess also. Jimmy was told that the boyfriend was probably cheating as long-distance relationships never work out. But Jimmy finds another girl and takes her to a movie.
Virginia decides to take MawMaw over to the old man’s house for a booty call to make up for taking her away from him at the day care center. But upon arriving, they find he has already brought a Korean woman home with him and doesn’t want to see MawMaw. He thinks he’s back in the Korean War. MawMaw and Virginia leave saying, “Seniors in love – it’s like a goat rodeo!”
The entire show had so many funny lines and circumstances. It was a good one!
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