I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

“Spaghetti and Meatballs” episode of BOB’S BURGERS – this will be on Sunday 3/27, 8:30-9 PM on Fox

This show is such a goofy little show that probably appeals to goofy little people – like me! I love the characters in it and especially like Tina, the big sister who is played by Dan Mintz’s voice. He originally was going to be the voice of a boy who had itchy balls, but they changed him to Tina who had crotch itch. That was probably more acceptable for the television audience. Louise, Tina’s little sister, says Tina has autism, but she’s no doctor so what does she know?

This week they get involved in watching spaghetti westerns which really irritates Louise. Gene, the brother, studies the films and learns how to deal with his school rival. Tina gets involved with a conflict resolution program to help her deal with her aggression.

This all sounds crazy, but that’s usual for this show. Watch it this Sunday!


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