"Falling for Clooney" - a rooster, not George

The Happy Egg Company in Britain hired Catherine Alliott, a well-known romance novelist, to write a Chicklit romance novel for chickens. Jean Paul Michalski, a grower of free range chickens, believes playing the audiobook for the chickens when they come home to roost has a soothing effect on egg-laying hens. When they are calm, they lay more quality eggs. At least that's his idea. Alliott's voice is soft and soothing which appeals to the chickens. I don't know if they understand the content of the story, but if they lay more eggs of better quality, who cares? The chicken farmers will love it! I don't know just how the story goes as there's just one rooster, Clooney, and many hens. So the hens will all be scratching and pecking to get Clooney's attention. I still would rather listen to "What does the Fox say?" but I don't know if that would make anyone produce any eggs, but that song does make me laugh and be happy which is better than laying eggs in my case. Alliott has many animals on her farm and many chickens, so she knows what she's doing. It will be interesting to see if there becomes a glut of eggs on the market after a while.
As a little girl, we had chickens and a chicken coop on our farm. I would go out and gather the eggs sometimes from their nests in the coop. I wonder if we had had access to the Chiklit audiobook at that time, we may have had bigger and better eggs. When Teri and Cindy were young, I bought a young duck and goose and we named them Bonnie and Clyde. We kept them in the backyard, and they grew up big and mean - the goose was mean. They also ate the fish in my fish pond, so we took them to a pond somewhere else. I would like to have had chickens, but it wasn't possible where we lived.
I tried to find a picture of me holding one of our chickens when I was little, but the scrapbook of those years is falling apart so I came up with nothing. So this picture is of Teri and Cindy holding Bonnie and Clyde, our duck and goose, years ago. It looks like Cindy is choking Clyde - that could be possible.
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