I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I know it's not yet Thanksgiving, but you wouldn't know it with all the ads and the stores opening at 4am and closing at 3:30am the next day - that just leaves a half hour to go to the bathroom before hitting the racks again. Before too many years, it will be black Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, etc. all year long.  When I was a child, I remember getting so excited writing my letter to Santa Claus and then shopping downtown to see all the toys. That all stopped when I entered college. But that was a long time ago and nothing is the same anymore. My husband and I used to take our girls to see the Cinnamon Bear every Christmas and were never worried if he were feeling them a little too much as they cuddled on his lap. One of my friends mentioned that recently, but we never thought about those things in those days - at least not out loud. My, how things have changed. 

I found this picture of Cindy taken a few years ago, obviously. I know she was excited for Christmas to arrive so she could unwrap the presents. She was wearing her warm outfit for the winter weather. I would give anything to have that outfit to wear now as our weather has become extremely cold. I don't know what her pose was, but I love it! Teri was probably off in her room getting ready for her photo.

Cindy is coming for Thanksgiving, and I'm going to cook a turkey breast. I asked the butcher if I could get a small one and he said I could, but I don't know if butchers are known for their reliability. But if he checked my breasts out, he would have known why I wanted a small breast. But if that doesn't work out, I'll get a chicken. I'm not making a pie and Cindy doesn't care as she'll eat anything. I made cookies and they turned out shitty. I think I need to get a flour sifter as my last two broke. Also I stopped using margarine and use oil instead and I think it's not working out. So my wonderful cookies are no longer. Possibly my cooking days are numbered. But we'll have a good time anyway. She has to go back the next day for work, so it's a short visit.

I won't be seeing Teri this Christmas. She came last year. But Cindy just visited Teri a couple of weeks ago which made me very happy. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving, and I hope I get my small breast . . . turkey.


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