Trying to find my focus group
I decided it was about time I checked in with my focus group to see how they were coming with ideas for my new business. I first looked for the person in the homeless group that lived on the sidewalks of my city. They had set up camps in many of the downtown parks and had been forced out of all of them because they were urinating, doping and sexing in front of passers by. Imagine! Now the parks are closed to everyone for cleaning and the homeless are in a "state of transition" to a space under one of our many bridges which will, supposedly, be a permanent home to the delight of their new neighbors. So I gave up on getting a good focus group person out of that bunch as they had too much going on their own to think about my little project.
So I decided to try the one who watched only Fox day and night. I quickly decided that was a bad decision on my part because I can't stand watching Fox. I do watch some shows; I think the "Mindy Project" is very funny. I've always liked Mindy Kaling as she's always a little off from everyone else which makes her so funny and attractive. I thought I would like Kevin Bacon in "The Following," but it was too violent for me and it really has to be violent for me to not watch it. One show I do watch during the day on Fox is "Shepard Smith" with the news in the afternoon. I started that when I visited a family in Louisiana that was republican, of course, which I had to put up with as I was staying with them as their guest. So I watched Shepard every day and continued after I got home. I think he is very smart, cute and a secret democrat! Maybe he's not, but I think he has left tendencies. Anyway, I crossed the focus group person for Fox off my list. Not a good fit.
So that left the person who watches reality shows all day and into the night. I contacted one who was watching "Keeping up with the Kardashians" and "Toddlers and Tiaras" simultaneously - he had two TVs side by side in front of him. I peeked in his window so I knew he was home and then knocked very loudly on his door. He didn't move or acknowledge me, so I kicked in his door and confronted him. He barely noticed me, and when I asked him about his being a part of my focus group, he said "whaaaat?" I got no place with him so I walked out and didn't even slam the door because it was now broken. So that was it for my search for good candidates.
After giving this much thought, I have decided to use my two darling daughters as my focus group as I know a little about them and can possibly depend on them. At least I won't have to look in a homeless camp for them . . . not right now anyway. The picture of the two of them is from several years ago but they look like very good focus group material. They are looking serious and ready to work.
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