Teri’s having a birthday today!!
I can’t believe another birthday for one of my daughters. They look younger and prettier each year whereas I just look older each year. Why do you suppose that is? Here’s Teri looking so very pretty, standing straight and tall (she’s not really tall – she’s actually quite short) in her kick-ass mode ready to go to work and greet the world and her office mates and whip them all into shape. Oh, shoot – I think I’m thinking of another time and place. This is the time we stayed at a B&B in Tacoma and the woman who ran the place got drunk and forgot to serve us breakfast! I think I took that picture after Teri hunted down the drunken hostess and chewed her out. So that’s why she’s looking so ready for the world and all its problems, but I don’t think she wears sweat pants to work. But maybe on casual Fridays she does although I’ve never heard her mention casual Friday. I don’t think there’s anything casual at her place of business.
Teri is a very smart, competent woman, but it’s hard for me not to still think of her as my baby. Some of my happiest times were holding her when she was little and singing to her. I’d sing “You are my Sunshine,” “Bye Bye Blackbird” and songs like those. The years when your children are very young go by so fast, and you can never get them back again. I wonder if we think about that at the time and relish the moments we have together. I get tears in my eyes when I look at pictures of those days. It’s hard to let go and let your kids be in control of their own lives. It’s something all parents go through, but I find it hard to do. I wish I could ask my mother how she dealt with it when I sailed off to Wash. DC right after college. I don’t think I was even thinking about what she was going through at that time. Teri did the same thing after college, going to Wash. DC and finding work. I’m so proud of the way she turned out . . . whether it was because of me or in spite of me. I’m thinking maybe it was the latter!
So, Teri, I’m very proud of you no matter what you do. I love you so much and always will.
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