Happy Birthday, Harry!
Today is Harry’s birthday which I find hard to believe. I don’t see him very often as he lives in New York, but when I do, he’s always bigger and smarter than he was the time before. I miss the times when he was little and I held him and rocked him and sang all the songs I’d sung when Teri and Cindy were little. Now I can’t hold him as he’s much taller than I and wouldn’t fit on my lap. The last time I saw him, he ran over to give me a big hug and almost knocked me over!
Today Harry is fourteen years old. I’m not up on what goes on with teen-age boys, and I probably don’t want to know. It’s been a while since Cindy’s boys were in their teens so I’m sort of out of it. I remember once when I was babysitting Pat and Nick, Cindy’s boys, and one of them sneaked in a window late at night. Harry can’t do that as he lives in a high-rise. I trust he’s behaving himself.
The picture is of Harry when Teri, Mark and Harry took me to Montego Bay in Jamaica. He was about a year old and learning to walk. I love this picture as it shows what he did all the time there – he practiced walking! He always had one arm way up in the air as he stumbled along. I could have watched him forever, but he eventually learned the right way to walk and doesn’t stick an arm up in the air anymore . . . although I haven’t seen him in a while so I can’t say for sure. I miss the times when he was little and I held him and rocked him. Time goes so fast . . . too fast.
Harry, I hope you have a very fun birthday today and many more to come. Don’t ever forget that Grandma loves you very much.
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