I'm A Patsy - Gotta Problem With That?

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

GLEE, BONES and FRINGE – new season for Fox

I just spent the last few days watching new episodes of those three shows for this fall. I’ve written about all of them before, but this is a new season!

I had already seen the premiere episode of GLEE which I liked, and now have seen two other episodes which will be coming up. I think GLEE will be a hit. It’s not deep with a serious story line; it’s light comedy that doesn’t require serious thinking! But it has great music, singing and dancing. How could that go wrong? Jane Lynch is so good in her part and makes it necessary to see what she’ll be up to in new episodes. I like it and will keep watching this one.

BONES starts out the new season with a continuation of the circumstances that occurred in the last episode. It moves smoothly in the transition and continues on with the great actors that are so much fun to watch. Booth and Brennan are terrific in their parts as they talk and argue with each other. They are so different, and yet they get along so well. I love the show and am glad it’s finally coming back. I’m tired of watching the same old reruns, but I’ll probably continue to do so!

The premiere episode of FRINGE starts in the same creepy way they all do! This show is very far out and makes you think to keep up with it. The three main characters, Walter, Peter and Olivia will face some big obstacles, but they manage to get through them. As they do so, they find themselves drawing closer and caring more about each other. You never know what’s going to happen next. And sometimes it’s even creepier than you could imagine. But Walter’s lab always stays the same with him making weird concoctions and the cow mooing off to the side! Walter and Peter seem to be drawing closer – Walter is Peter’s father. Peter rescued him from the loony bin to help them solve crimes which he does quite well. At first, he was rather resentful of his dad, but now has grown to really care for him. They are a crazy, fun bunch! It’s worth watching this one.


  • We look forward with glee,each Wed. night now for GLEE! We recorded the pilot and when our niece (Kathy's daughter), husband and friend visited from The Netherlands where they're all in choirs and 2 of them conduct choirs, we watched it a 2nd time with them. Then they were able to see the next show the night before they went home. It's amazing how risque it is in that time slot, but we do like it! Can't wait for BONES and FRINGE. Our visitors bought a big pack of FRINGE since they can't get it over there. DAMAGES won't be on until January, but if you see it before that, let us know how it is this time.
    I also love the family pictures you post! It's good to see them!

    By Anonymous Sharon Annala Dentler, at 3:02 PM  

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