July 4th and Crop Circles
I read an interesting article in the newspaper the other day about wallabies. Wallabies are like kangaroos only smaller. They are both marsupials and carry their babies in their pouches. The article stated that “hopped-up” wallabies are snacking on Tasmania’s legally grown poppy fields and getting high! They hop around in circles and trample the crops. That’s not good at all as Tasmania is the world’s largest producer of legally grown opium for the pharmaceutical market. And no one wants to piss off the pharmaceutical market! Apparently they enter the poppy fields and get high as a kite after which they hop around in circles, trashing the fields. They eventually crash after they’ve made all the crop circles. Other livestock such as sheep have been seen eating the poppies after harvesting, and they walk around in circles. I’m wondering if wallabies would react the same way to marijuana plants. If they did, maybe we should look into importing some wallabies and letting them loose in the hills of California or Oregon where the DEA is always finding marijuana farms. If they ran around in circles and destroyed the plants, that would free up all law enforcement personnel so they could do the work they’re supposed to do . . . whatever that is.
I must mention the picture on this posting. I used a similar picture 2 years ago when Teri gave me her Volvo. That picture was of Teri alone, and I found this one of both Teri and Cindy celebrating in one of our many neighborhood 4th of July parades. That was when we lived as a functioning average American family – a mother and father, two children, two dogs, two box turtles, one bullfrog tadpole, one duck, one goose and many goldfish in the outdoor ponds. What could be more average than that? I think Teri may have been the Statue of Liberty and I don’t know what Cindy was. I don’t know where the bubble gum fit in, but it’s quite noticeable. Janis is also in the picture. Janis is Randy’s older sister. Randy was the one I called the “Doctor” because he and Cindy used to play doctor. But he isn’t a doctor now. Those were the good times.
We’ve had some very hot weather lately, and I just heard a health advisory on television. They said we should look out for people who are dizzy, nauseous and confused as that could indicate heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Well, I’m dizzy and confused most of the time, but not nauseous so far. So, as of now, I’m in the clear.
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