Teri and Harry attend a wedding
Teri, Harry and I took the train home from Tacoma last Saturday, and it was still hot here. Teri and Harry went out for a walk, but I don’t walk in hot weather and sometimes don’t even walk in nice weather. I don’t know where Teri gets it, but she is totally into exercise and keeping in shape which is a good thing. I admire that about her. But she sure as hell didn’t get it from me. She keeps after me to walk and exercise and I do my best. They were going to a wedding in the evening, so after their walk, they had a lot of getting ready to do. When they were all done, they both looked beautiful and handsome. I took this picture of them on my deck – I even got the pink flamingo in the picture. When I look at pictures of my family, I sometimes wonder how I ended up with such good-looking kids and grandkids – and they’re smart. Spoken like a true mother!
When I was alone, I fried a ground lamb patty just the way I like it – barely cooked and very, very rare! I had it on toast and it was delicious. I know I shouldn’t cook ground meat that rare, but so far I haven’t had any problems. Teri and Harry came home about midnight and we all went to sleep. I had planned on taking them to breakfast in the morning, but I awoke at 5am with the worst diarrhea I’ve ever had. Food poisoning maybe? It kept up for about 4 hours, and after that I was weak and wobbly. So breakfast was out. Teri and Harry spent the day with Rita and her family and I did nothing. I watched TV – surprise, surprise – and watched Craig Ferguson on my DVR. He was talking about the new show on Oxygen, “Dance Your Ass Off!” It’s about fat people dancing and supposedly losing weight. When I first heard about it, I thought it was an extremely disgusting idea, and I think Craig did too. He got quite vocal about it and said it was fat people running around on tiny little feet which is not at all attractive. Who wants to watch something like that? I know I won’t.
But I will be watching “Curb Your Enthusiasm” when it starts in September. Larry David is putting the old Seinfeld cast on his show for several episodes. Larry and Jerry Seinfeld were the creators of the “Seinfeld” show which was my favorite. I have seen all the re-runs so many times and they’re still funny. Now I watch Craig Ferguson as I love his humor which is pretty stupid sometimes, but funny. He has a great laugh and can do next to nothing and still make me laugh. He talks a lot about pooping, farting and cats eating their masters – topics in which I’m quite interested.
But this was about Teri and Harry off to the wedding. I think they looked gorgeous, and I’m proud to be related to them. I feel the same about Cindy. I love my family.
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