School Daze
I found this picture recently in one of my mom’s old photo albums, and it made me realize how times have changed since this picture was taken. These days it’s all about which designers are dressing the Obama girls, what toys they play with and whom do they like besides the Jonas Brothers. I think this is probably a “first day of school” picture as we’re carrying lunch boxes. I’m on the left, and then my brother Jim and my cousins, Joyce and Ken. The picture was taken a few years ago . . . okay . . . many years ago. We looked like fashionistas! I can’t believe we dressed so stylishly just to go to school. I was wearing a very cute jacket – I don’t even own a cute jacket! My mother made nearly all of my clothes at that time as we couldn't afford "store-bought" clothes. Joyce was wearing a hat and the guys wore caps of some kind. I’m glad I didn’t have a hat on – I never liked hats. When I look at the picture, I think of the times in which we grew up. They seemed so simple to me, but they were actually very hard times of which I was totally unaware. That’s just the way it was, and who was I to question things?
The four of us lived close together as our dads had adjoining farms, so we played a lot together. My favorite game was “kick the can.” I loved it! We must have played other games, but none stand out except for that one. Do kids these days know about that game, or are they inside texting everyone all over the world? We didn’t have iPods, iPhones, Xbox or Xbox 360, MP3, Play Stations or Game Boys. Game Boys? That sounds a little perverse to me – or maybe it’s just my dirty little mind in over-drive. We didn’t have as many options as kids have now. They have all sorts of games they play on computers, alone or with a friend. When I was young, we didn’t even have a television! I don’t know how I existed, but I did. I was involved in 4-H – do they even have that anymore? I learned to sew, cook, took care of my rabbits and played with all the pets we had throughout the years. I entered many things in the State Fair every year, winning some ribbons. I was a regular little farm girl who lived in a time that seemed much simpler to me than what we are experiencing now. I was very happy.
But now that I’m a big girl, I’m so glad someone discovered television! I hate to admit it, but I’d be lost without it now that I know about it. I don’t care about all the electronic games the kids have – I’m not a kid anymore and wouldn’t know what to do with them. But I do know what to do with television – WATCH IT! But my childhood was wonderful, and I wouldn’t change any of it. Don’t we all look pretty happy in the picture?
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